Let Love In - A CSX RP

Nick's eyes were on the floor for a moment, looking as if he was pondering something but he soon looked up to Catherine. He almost wondered what she'd say if he'd asked her out.
Watching her hand take hold of his, Greg could feel his heart try to beat out of his chest. Swallowing the nervous feeling, he smiled. "Yeah, if you are."
Catherine gave Nick a light smirk, before falling into step right beside him, and winked at him. She was just thinking, she would love to be near him.
Sofia smiled lightly, "Of course I am"
Nick felt himself start to grin when she winked at him. When they got outside and into one of the lab's GMCs, Nick looked to her once again. "Cath.. I uh.. I was wonderin'.. Wouldyouliketogooutwithme?" he asked in one breath. "I mean.. it's perfectly find if you don't wanna, I was just askin'."
Nick took a moment to process her answer, soon grinning toothily at her response. "Do you know how nervous I was asking that?" Nick laughed a bit, holding up his shaking hands for a moment.
Nick felt a blush wanting to come to his cheeks when she moved that close and whispered. "That long? Thought you would've killed me by now waiting this long.." he joked.
"Well then," Greg began, doing his best to sound like a gentleman for Sofia, whom he had always admired. "Shall we be on our way?" He knew that this may have sounded slightly out-of-character for the former lab rat who could only converse about rock, girls and semi-flirt with Sara. Yes, he had come a long way since his field deabut, at he was fairly proud of himself. Even if he did have to leave a chunk of himself behind. Change was always good, right?



A thud sounded through the locker room. It was a hallow one, with the sound of shaking metal somewhere in the background. That's usually what happened when someone's head hit a locker, after all. She rested her head there for a moment, allowing a sigh to slip over her thin lips. Dark hair fell around her shoulders, causing her view of the ground to blur a bit...

{Sorry, I needed to post as Sara somewhere...}