"Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

Alright folks lets remember that some will love ship moments, some will hate them and some just plain don't care if they are there or not. But arguing and bickering about them isn't going to change the fact its in there.

But I would also like to take this time and remind everyone about the rules regarding ship discussion, it can take place in here as it pertains to the episode, if you want to debate the overall you can do so in the debate thread in SC, if you want to discuss the ship in the overall minus spoilers you can do so in its discussion thread. But here its as it pertains to the ep.

Honestly if you don't like the ship scene back it up with why and remember the rule about show criticism rule located in the rules section of the board. If you love it fine and dandy, if you don't care more power to you. Either way what needs to be remember is this...
1. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and to dislike it.
2. Debating an opinion should be done cleanly and without attacks.
3. Discussion on ship should be done as it pertains to the scene/s.
4. If you can't go without arguing/bickering or you can't agree, then agree to disagree and move on & let it go.
5. There is more to the episode then just the ship scene
Last time I saw the spoiler, it was Nick and Sara working together. Grissom and Warrick working together, because I saw the preview last Thursday night. I think Greg and Catherine working together, I'm not sure.

Nick work outside and Sara working inside the house. Nick ask her to give him something because he got the body and she said to him, "I'm not done inside the house." She walking away from him and said to herself, "I'm glad I'm vegan."

I think she keep an eyes on Nick and make sure he don't wandering off like get himself kidnapped.

I think, I'm not sure. Sara work with Grissom for a little bit, not too much.
It every Thursday night after the ending of Happy Ending. I saw Grissom with Warrick then I saw Greg turn into Lizards. That's all I see.
Is it just me or is that promo combined w/ a bunch of other episodes? Is there a solo promo for "leapin' lizards", b/c I try looking for it online, and all I found is the combination promo. :confused:
sounds like a great episode

Poor Greg! Hasn't he gone through enough this year? Hope Crazy lady doesn't have like rabies or something. human bites get infected easyily I can see Hodges teasing about it for monthes! (calling a lizard boy etc.)

Nicky gets to a chase a pig! :lol: Guess he's lucky he grew up on a ranch so he's used to chasing wayward animals.

Super Dave and Aliens! what more do I have to say. :lol:
(of course the thing in Viva Las Vegas would've creeped me out to.) I grew wa5tching far too much Sci-Fi, and I bet Dave did too! :lol:
Weird and Funny at the same time, i almost forgot about Greg turning into a lizard, i will laugh so hard i know, when i see that, Nick gets to chase a pig, that sounds funny too. Thursday won't come fast enough.
I absolutely love in the promo where Greg turns into the lizard, and especially Brass with the lizard tongue drinking the water... they promo is so good!
How weird last year we had Judd Nelson in episode 22 and now we've got Ally Sheedy in ep 22, my two fav's from The Breakfast Club, its a conspiracy I tells ya!! lol

I'm off to listen to "don't you forget about me" by Simple Minds :)
I was watching The Breakfast Club on tv this weekend. :lol: I thought of this upcoming episode.
nick gets to chase a pig??? now just taht will make my evening, after the happy funny epis last week, they are making another weird and funny one...i cant wait
does anyone have the link to youtube for the preview? i missed in cause i was watching scrubs instead and intertube or whatever on the cbs website doesnt work on melvin. the episode sounds awesome but i wanna see the preview.