Late Motherhood - what's your opinion?

I think at 62 it is very late in life. I myself was considered "past maternal age" when I delivered my twins at 33! Our female bodies were made to bear children between certain ages. I have to admit with the ever changing world of medicine and more and more people living LONG into their 80's, and 90's there is still the biological aspect of conceiving.
Now, for the other side of the argument, my mother-in-law was 42 when she had my husband, and let me tell you 42 years ago, that was unheard of.
and my father and my step-mother are both in their 60's and are raising my grand-neice who is 5! My dad figured that he will be 80 when she graduates High school.
It depends on situation. I personally would not choose to have a child at 62, wheather I had grown children or not
and YYYYIIIIIPPPPPEEEESSS :eek: on having a child at 12! I won't even go there!
having a child at 12! I won't even go there!

A 12 year old got pregnant this year. The father was in one of my classes and he feels really bad (as he should he is 16 and while he didn't force her into anything, he should have known better). Her mom almost kicked ehr out of the house because she wanted to keep the baby. I know the girl and while I don't think it will be good for her to have the child I doubt I could give up a child i nthat position either.
Well even if he didn't forced her, he can be arrested for that.....Since she is 12 years old, she isn't considered as "sexually mature", well at least in France i don't know how is it elsewhere
Since he wasn't 18 and she concented I don't think they can arrest him. I know each situation is diffrent but he is working as much as the child labor laws will let him to help support the baby. He made a mistake but from the view of an outsider looking in he looks like he will not abandon her with a child.
Well as long as he takes his responsabilities...I'm sorry i'm gonna sound prude but i really think that 12 years old is too early to have some physical experiences....

as for the 62yearsold mum, i hope she will live old enough to see her child going to university...
I completely agree, she was much too young to be doing what she did but I think she knows it is wrong and is accepting the consequences gracefully. I think she is going to one of those teen-parent schools next year if she can find one in the area.
You know that's really sad , at 12 years old having a baby? she lost her innocence, she isn't even a teenage , she is a pre-teen, i feel very sorry for her :(
I think the youngest mother ever was a 9 year old in Mexico, poor kid, she really was just a kid.

Yeah I wish her the best, and her baby. Has anyone noticed how teenage parents always seem to give their kids really weird names?
By the way, some preteen mothers did not have sex voluntarily. Rape can produce babies, too.

I have a cousin, though, who just had a baby and she's thirteen. Had sex with a sixteen year old.

This is sooooooo offtopic.
I know that rape can produce babies too, the girl I know had sex voluntarily. How weird to grow up knowing you were concieved via rape.

It's not super off topic, really, it is having babies at extreme ends of the age-scale.
I think having a child past the age of 55 is cruel. at 55 you still likely have 20 years of life left, if not more, so at least you will be able to raise the child until they are an adult and able to take care of themselves to a degree.

55 is still pushing it though, and after that, it's just cruel to the child.
Growing up, I thought my mom having had me at 40 was late but now it doesn't seem that way. I do question the possibility of genetic defects as the woman gets older. I'm pretty normal but wonder if some of my learning disability and such problems came from it or not.
my mom had my little brother AND sister when she was... 41 i think. she's fine, and relaly god with them. she has a nanny for when she works of corse, she's a police officer.

i think as long as you love the child and have enough energy to care for it (play games whenever, go to soccar games...) then any age for children is ok. i draw my line at about 60 though. for 1 parent. my uncle is 58 and remarried someone 40 years old and they now have 2 kids bcause the mother does alot of the work.