Last Song Syndrome

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I have a song from the play 'Scrooge' in my head after going to see it at the theatre on Wednesday afternoon :)

Thank you very very very much!
Thank you very very very much!

For he's a jolly good fellow!
For he's a jolly good fellow!
For he's a jolly good fellow!
And so say all of us!

Thank you very much! Thank you very much!
That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever
done for me!
It isn't every day
Good fortune comes me way
I never thought the future would be fun for me...

Having heard 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles this morning on the radio, the song is now driving me mad, I feel like it's on automatic playback in my head. :lol:
Heavens, you know what? Reading through the posts in this thread is making me remember all these songs that people are talking about so that I can't get them out of my head either! :lol:

Damn it Tinkerbell, now you've gone and done it with 'Hey Jude' :lol: ;)
Damn it Tinkerbell, now you've gone and done it with 'Hey Jude'
Now you know how I feel. :p ;)

It's just a load of 'Na na na na na’s' going around in my head, I've tried listening to other songs today but I just keep coming back to it. Don't you just hate it when that happens? :lol:
xforce11 rather than creating a second post a minute later you can still edit your first post (up to 2 hours after creating it). Please be aware of this.

Thank you. :)
oh no 'Beautiful' by James Blunt, every time I get rid of it, and advert comes on the TV for his album and it kills me again, I've had it for about 4 months, this is crazy :eek:
Can't get enough of "Because of you" by Kelly Clarkson. Heard it before it was even released over here courtesy of a GSR video, and it's been slowly driving me crazy for a few months now. They play it every morning when I'm driving to work, I'm sure. If you see an article on your local news station about a girl who went crazy thanks to that song, that'll be me :p
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