Lady Heather Returns to Las Vegas

^^^ Is there any chance you're going to let this topic go any time soon? I mean, sheesh... I basically know exactly what you're going to be posting whenever I see your name in a thread. We get it- you don't like GSR. Move on already!

Now, as for Lady Heather... Can't wait to see her! I love her character. I remember back when she started on The OC, I was bummed because I figured that would be the last we'd see of her on CSI. I'm glad that has not been the case. :)

And love it or hate it, it will be interesting to see what her appearance means for the Sara/Grissom dynamic. As much as I personally dislike their relationship (I don't really feel like they have any chemistry- sorry GSR types! :lol:) this might be one episode where I don't mind seeing it come into play a little more, if only because I always felt that Grissom and Heather did have a lot of chemistry- boatloads! Could be interesting... or it might suck! :lol: Only time will tell. :)
So I guess its ok for GSR fans complain about non-GSR fans, and they can talk about how much they love the ship all they want, but I can't be critical of the storyline? I see how it is...

Sorry if I get offended with a poster calling me pathetic, and GSR fans keep saying how its stupid that people don't like the storyline...
Oh Lady H is coming back! Awesome! I'm more of a CSI Miami person, but i've still seen most of the LV episodes, and i loved the Lady Heather one in S2. Can't wait to see her again! :D
xfcanadian said:
So I guess its ok for GSR fans complain about non-GSR fans, and they can talk about how much they love the ship all they want, but I can't be critical of the storyline? I see how it is...

Sorry if I get offended with a poster calling me pathetic, and GSR fans keep saying how its stupid that people don't like the storyline...

I hate to cause problems here but...

It would be OK if you weren't so constantly defensive and reactionary. And quite frankly, a lot of your posts criticizing the GSR scenario have an edge and a fairly negative tone to them, which just begs for people on the opposite side of the fence to jump all over it.

I for one don't like the relationship at all, and yet I somehow manage to say so without causing any issues. I don't understand why it's so hard for you to post your opinions without sounding so angry about it? Seriously, it's a freaking TV show. I love it, and if it started to go downhill (in my opinion) then I would stop watching. I wouldn't spend my time whining in a mostly offensive style on some forum, and then wonder why everyone gets defensive over my posts. The reason why people attack you is because your post are all just reeking of attitude and usually come off in an offensive light. Try being a little more constructive in your criticisms and avoid the anger and the insulting tone and you'll probably find your posts are received a little more respectfully, even though people may not agree with your opinions.
*holds hands up* I didn't touch the subject of GSR so...yeah.

According to CSI Files sources, Lady Heather returns to Las Vegas -- this time as a victim.
Grissom goes to the hospital to visit Lady Heather, who is still alive. She starts to lose consciousness due to the fact that she’s in diabetic shock. A nurse says Lady Heather didn’t say she was diabetic. Grissom speculates that she must have forgotten to take her insulin.

No no no no no!! Lady H was a great char! She can't be a victim! Oh this sucks. *crosses arms* I hope she'll live. Whenever she and Cath talked, it's always a very memorable scene. :(
^ Agreed. I looooooved their scenes in Slaves of Las Vegas. I doubt they'll share any quality conversation (or even any scene) this time, though. They didn't even meet in POtTR despite that Catherine was working on Zoe's case.
BabaOReilly said:
xfcanadian said:
So I guess its ok for GSR fans complain about non-GSR fans, and they can talk about how much they love the ship all they want, but I can't be critical of the storyline? I see how it is...

Sorry if I get offended with a poster calling me pathetic, and GSR fans keep saying how its stupid that people don't like the storyline...

I hate to cause problems here but...

It would be OK if you weren't so constantly defensive and reactionary. And quite frankly, a lot of your posts criticizing the GSR scenario have an edge and a fairly negative tone to them, which just begs for people on the opposite side of the fence to jump all over it.

I for one don't like the relationship at all, and yet I somehow manage to say so without causing any issues. I don't understand why it's so hard for you to post your opinions without sounding so angry about it? Seriously, it's a freaking TV show. I love it, and if it started to go downhill (in my opinion) then I would stop watching. I wouldn't spend my time whining in a mostly offensive style on some forum, and then wonder why everyone gets defensive over my posts. The reason why people attack you is because your post are all just reeking of attitude and usually come off in an offensive light. Try being a little more constructive in your criticisms and avoid the anger and the insulting tone and you'll probably find your posts are received a little more respectfully, even though people may not agree with your opinions.

FOR THE LAST &%$^ time, I DO NOT CARE if people have different opinions. Of course I am mad about GSR, it ruined my favorite show!! Also I get mad at some of the posts. Why doesn't anyone actually READ the posts that I respond to?? Huh!! I don't care if i get mod slapped here, but this is stupid. GSR fans are allowed to call other fans 'pathetic' (WHICH WAS WHAT I WAS RESPONDING TOO), but I am not allowed to be offended by that?? WHY THE HECK CAN'T I BE CRITICAL OF THE STORYLINE! This is what I am getting mad at. Posters telling me how to post, how to think, and what I am supposed to think. Like I am supposed to not care about GSR, since it is only showed in 30 secs scenes. I have seen that post many times...but why should I think that?! I DON"T CARE IF PEOPLE LIKE GSR, how many times do I have to type that!

And another poster telling me I can't be negative? I can be critical of something all I want, why should I not say anything if I don't like it. All I want to do is say my opinion, and if people disagree, then fine. CSI isn't enjoyable, I am only watching it for the good parts, and too see if Grissom dumps Sara.

FOR THE LAST TIME, SINCE NOT ONE PERSON UNDERSTANDS THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE: I don't care if people disagrees with me, I don't care if people like GSR, I DO care, and WILL respond to posters calling others pathetic, and I will be critical to episodes with GSR, also I will respond to 'oh you can't be negative' That isn't disagreeing with an opinion, that is telling me what to post, and what to think! GAH!

I should also add the only reason I keep responding like this, is out of frustration...people don't understand what exactly I am responding too, and of course I have to respond to that, because the response is implying something that I am NOT trying to imply. Like people telling me I shouldn't be mad if people disagree with my opinions. That isn't what I am trying to say. It is probably my fault, I suck at communication with humans, and I have a learning disability, so I can not always make myself clear. But it just seems people are not reading my posts, and the post that I am responding too, and I keep getting the same 'oh stop getting mad at GSR fans for having a different opinion response', when I am not even saying that!! It is getting frustrating...I don't even want to keep going on about this, but I am not going to do nothing if people are accusing me of saying or implying stuff that I am not trying to do.
Um... wasn't this thread about Lady Heather?

Where did GSR factor into this... at all?

It didn't.

I'm hesistant about Lady Heather's return, but TPTB might finally win me over to her. I think Melinda Clarke is a bit stiffled by this role, personally. They worked too hard to make Lady Heather this cartoon character and then - bam - tried to make her a real person.

So it smacked of falseness, to me. But maybe a second episode with Real!Heather will solidify that this truly is her, and the first two appearances were the act.

In any event, I'm not really excited for the episode, but I'll reserve judgement until it airs.
^^^ I think it turned GSR because of the current situation between Sara and Grissom, and his past with Lady Heather. I for one am curious as to whether there will be an impact on the whole GSR dealio. I hope so! :lol: Might liven things up a bit- the last couple of episodes have been a little blah, I think.

I haven't read any spoilers, but I'm assuming her appearance will either make the Grissom?Sara thing either stronger or weaker, no? Then again, I suppose they could just kill her off entirely... which would suck! :eek: I really do like her character.

Oh and xfcanadian, rather than encourage you to take over another thread with your diatribes, I've moved our discussion over to PM's. Feel free to carry on there and give the other posters a break.