Lady Heather Returns to Las Vegas

CSI Files

Dominatrix Lady Heather (played by <font color=yellow>Melinda Clarke</font>) is known to have a special relationship with Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>). Her three previous appearances on CSI have been fraught with sexual tension. On May10th, she returns to the show.

The context of Lady Heather’s return is unknown. “I can only imagine what they’ll do with Lady Heather,” says Clarke. “The last time we saw her, she was whipping somebody.” Of Grissom, she teases, “He’s a fascinating character to go after. And who doesn’t love a good triangle?”

“She comes at a time when the Grissom-Sara relationship is heating up,” explains <font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font>, the show’s executive producer. “Lady Heather’s appearance actually changes that relationship in a way that is unexpected. She won’t have the effect you assume she’ll have.”

One thing is certain, Grissom will be quite busy in this episode. His hunt for the miniature killer continues. What happens from there has yet to be written. One possibility jokingly raised by Clarke is that they can follow up on a suggestion Petersen made at the time of Lady Heather’s last appearance – that the show should end with Grissom and Lady Heather retiring to an island. “But based on the history of the show,” she say, “it makes more sense for Grissom and Sara to be together.”

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I'm so glad she's coming back. Lady Heather is such an interesting and complex character. I can't wait to see what they do with her.
I'm kind of excited that Lady Heather is coming back. She was a rather fascinating character and I think that she made for a good love interest for Grissom. It shall be interesting to see how this is going to work out.
It is about time! :D

I love Lady Heather, she's the only reason that I started watching CSI. I am not looking forward to seeing how The Powers That Be ruin her character. :rolleyes:
Oh, thank goodness!

Lady Heather is my all-time favourite character, of any show ever. I can't wait at all for this episode, and if TPTB butcher her character, I will seriously stop watching the series right then and there. I'm dying to see what happens. :D :D :D
The only reason I'm still watching is because of this promise. I really can't wait to see what role she plays in the GSR relationship. ;)
^ Yeah. Time to pray for her lol.

I love her, but I'm not really looking forward to her reappearance this time because I just have this feeling that she won't end up well. Oh well, I'll take Catherine's suggestion...expect the worst. However, I really don't think I'll be nicely surprised.

Jenna! I knew I'd see you in this thread. lol.
saraholic said:
I really can't wait to see what role she plays in the GSR relationship. ;)
Nor can I. This is going to be interesting, especially if the effect on GSR is going to be unexpected. :eek:

I love Lady Heather and I can't wait for her appearance. :)
i am so happy! i wondered if shed be back with the oc over now. she is by far my favourite guest star in the series. i am a little wary like the others of what the writers might do to her character, but im optimistic they will do the right thing!

and the unexpected thing is confusing to me. either she ruins griss and saras relationship or makes it stronger. not sure what else unexpected could happen there...
I liked her in S/3 four years ago.. but to me it's silly, to bring her back for what? her time is so over.. and in "PIRATES" she disgusted me..sleazy.. sleeping with her daughters killer EWWWW, and beating a guy to death..wasn't that assult and battery? did she go to jail for that? maybe that's where she's been!! so I have no idea what they have in mind.. but you can't break up a 7 year relationship.. which she NEVER had with Grissom.. she was exotic and long ago!!!
I'm looking forward to her return too! :D

She's the most fascinating character to ever appear on CSI IMHO. :D

Obviously, if she wasn't popular, she wouldn't be back for more, right? :p

Long Live Lady Heather!!

Wow. I didn't know the relationship between Grissom and Sara had been seven years long! That's new to me!

Seriously, no matter how much you love this relationship, it didn't start at least until season 5 or 6. He rejected her in Play with Fire and said he couldn't give up all he had for a woman in Butterflied and that's the best proof that this relationship isn't as long as someone has claimed above.

And I agree with you, WP. Lady Heather is my favorite guest role so far, followed by Sam Braun. I doubt anyone could beat her. lol. You're right, they wouldn't bring her back if she wasn't popular. I'm excited about that, but I'm worried about what might happen to her, too. :(