Kyle Gallner/Reed Garret Thread #1

thanks for the caps Elsie! and i'm going to completely agree with everyone that end scene, in the cab, was amazing both of them were supurb. being able to shine so much through with out even speaking? thats truly amazing. and i really hope it snot the last we see of reed, him and mac have such a great chemisty and the potential for a really great relationship.
I think he did an absolutly amazing job on last nights episode...He acted so well in the scene in the trunk through the duct tape...I really hope we see more of him next season. Honestly they could make him a regular cast member and kick Lindsay to the curb.
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Reed should definitely stick around. I've always liked him. Yes, he had a bit of an attitude in the last few episodes but it was probably the storyline. He's not a spoiled brat and for that I am extremely grateful. Plus, Kyle's chemistry with Gary Sinise is awesome. Dear PTB, thanks for bringing him back this season and please don't forget about him.
Reed should definitely stick around. I've always liked him. Yes, he had a bit of an attitude in the last few episodes but it was probably the storyline. He's not a spoiled brat and for that I am extremely grateful.

The fact that Reed isn't written like the other CSIkids (Caine's nephew, Catherines daughter) really makes him a step above the others for me, as does the fact that he seems like a real person to me. His attitude in the past few episodes might've made me want to slap him, but he comes across as genuine and likeable, and even if he can be a pain in the ass (like when he is constantly bugging Mac for details on the case) we take it as part of his drive. Kyle Gallner did a great job keeping up that attitude in the past few episodes without making Reed seem like a brat.

Plus, Kyle's chemistry with Gary Sinise is awesome. Dear PTB, thanks for bringing him back this season and please don't forget about him.

Their chemistry was amazing. I can't help but feel that Reed is the son Mac never had. If Claire hadn't died, Reed would have found her and then he'd be a big part of Mac's life that way. I'm glad the writers decided to continue his story arc in CSI-they could have easily dropped him after the episode he came in like they dropped Louie or other characters, but by sticking with him I think they've opened up a myriad of possibilities for the character. I'd really like to see more of the paternal Mac we've gotten to see while he's with Reed, too. Reed really brings that out in him more than any other character on the show, and its nice to see.
There's been talk in the spoiler thread about wishing/hoping Reed would continue to be a recurring character. (Right now there's no indication either way.) I'll bump up this thread by asking this: What would you like to see from/about Reed in S5?

I'd like to see Reed's adoptive parents and maybe have Mac meet them. It would be interesting to see how they would all react to each other. Would they get along? Would Reed's parents feel hurt, jealous, etc. that Reed is developing a relationship with Mac, who, now that Claire is dead technically (Mac would have been his step-father) has no family tie to him? Yeah, it's kind of a cliched story line, but I think if they do it right it would give really interesting insight into Mac and Reed's characters. It might also make them closer.
I love Reed! I love how the character brings out a fatherly side to Mac, both in terms of a softer side and the strict/tough-but-fair/protective-father side like when they argued about the case and Reed's blog.
I love how Reed isn't perfect (he's headstrong and doesn't always think before he jumps, like in Taxi.) but he's not a brat like Lyndsey (sp?) or Ray Jr.
I really hope Reed comes back this season. He is Mac's last physical connection to Claire, and there's so much potential with their relationship. Like Stella said, Claire isn't gone, she still exists in Mac's memories and his heart, and he can show Reed (and us) 'who she was'. I think Mac feels awkward talking to his team about Claire, and Reed offers him the opportunity to talk about and remember her. Mac wants that very much I think, he was the one to make the move to befriend Reed in Sweet 16 because it's what Claire would want.
And Reed I think has handled the whole discovery of what happened to Claire with real maturity. He's not whiny like the other CSI kids. I love how he hugged Mac in Some Buried Bones, it shows he has an awareness of other's emotional needs, whereas Lyndsey/Ray Jr are selfish. He clearly saw how much pain Mac was in and stepped up to offer him comfort, not an easy thing to do for him, I think. I HATE seeing him get hurt in that ep, though it's nice to see Mac play the Concerned Father-Figure.

The taxi ride with Mac and Reed at the end of Taxi is just incredible, like many of you have said, they don't speak but an incredible amount of emotion is conveyed. Gary and Kyle have incredible chemistry. I think that the fact that a young actor like Kyle can generate such chemistry with a seasoned actor like Gary really is testament to how good an actor he is.

In his portrayal of Reed, Kyle comes across to me as playing the role in a very subtle, 'underrated' way, a lot like the way Gary plays Mac. Like Gary, Kyle can convey a lot through his eyes/voice/facial expression.

I would love a scene where Mac shows Reed the beachball, or perhaps where they go to Ground Zero together.

Apparantly the writers want to show more of the characters' lives outside the lab this coming season. Mac's apparantly getting a new love interest. I'd much rather they have Reed in s5, so we can learn about the woman Mac loved, the woman whose death so much defines him - Claire. We can get that through Reed. Reed also brings out several different aspects of Mac's character that we never get to see most of the time. I wish they'd go that route rather than the new love interest. And Kyle definitely deserves more screen time.

If Reed is 23, Claire must have been very young when she had him. His father was her 'high school sweetheart' so I'm guessing that suggests an age range of around 15 - 18, right?