Kelly Clarkson

I really like Kelly Clarkson, she's not really the kind of music I would usually listen to, but I really like her songs. I heard 'Never Again' on the radio the other day and I'm like 'Mom, does this sound like Kelly Clarkson?' and she's like 'I don't know who that is...' and then I ended up singing part of Since U Been Gone, it was funny. Anyway, and at the end of the song, the radio announced that it was Kelly Clarkson's new song, and I gave my mom this funny look.

I just thought I'd share that. :)

As far as I can remember, she's the only American Idol that's really gotten anywhere. I mean, most other people won the competition, had maybe one song on the radio, and then they just kinda died off ... Do you ever hear Ruben Studdard or Clay Aiken anymore? I don't even know who else won... But, she still releases new albums and is on the radio a lot.

i wanna hear Kelly's new come i didnt hear it yet here? (in FL) T_T late...*sniffs* when is her album gonna be released?
mj0621 said:
i wanna hear Kelly's new come i didnt hear it yet here? (in FL) T_T late...*sniffs* when is her album gonna be released?


Sunshine State, ey? Me too. :D Anyway...

She hasn't set a date yet because she doesn't want her fans to get disapointed if it doesn't come out that day...rumor's due out in May...or early June.
^ you from the orange state too? :lol: jk

ah i see. so i better stick around here to know then? ;) may or june... gotta mark that on my calendar. :D thanks for the info. wait..did the radio stations actually play it on the air already? cause if they do, i think im missing it!(and I DO have my radio on ALWAYS)... *sniffs again*
I like Kelly Clarkson's music as well. She has a great vocal range, and can rock out or mellow out with the best of them. :)
Kelly Clarkson is the only AI winner/competitor who has ever cracked teritory outside of America I think.

Ruben Studdard released a bloody Westlife cover version, as did Will Young when he won the original UK format 'Pop Idol' but Will Young like Kelly has broken from the 'Idol' tag and has proven he has substance to his ability and not just a one hit wonder. I can't say I know too much about Ruben Studdard though I don't know if he's lasted or not I wouldn't know him at all if he hadn't released Flying Without Wings :lol:

I have to say I'm looking forward to Kellys album more than any other artist for 2007.
You guys...I'm such a FREAK.

Went to Wal-Mart today...

Kelly is the spokeperson for Vitamin Water and Wal-Mart has this BIG display. They have freaking 5'0" tall cardboard cut-outs of Kelly. :eek:

I told the manager "I want that." And he said "Okay, give me your name and call me Monday." almost life-size Kelly in my room. ::sigh::

:lol:. Told you I was a freak. :lol:

It's things like that that get me excited...:lol:
Woooop I got my advance copy of My December today in the post from my very dear friend who works at SonyBMG in London. Its not out till 25th/26th June, depending on where you are in the world. Although I'm sure it'll already be leaked somewhere :rolleyes:

I'm just listening through it now. Its a good album, it's a grower. At first listen I don't think it's as good as Breakaway but I'm sure I'll love it as much in a few days.

Stand out tracks for me so far are 'Be Still' 'How I feel'
I like one of Kelly Clarkson's song, called Break away. I love that song.

I'm sure you didn't hear what Clive Davis said on America Idol, he keep dissing Kelly Clarkson, because he was mad at her for not doing what he want. He told her, he paid her 10 millions dollars if she remove her five song, but she won't take it. She will put her news she wanting on her new albums. Good for her, he was bribing her. He said a nice thing about Carrie Underwood, but dissing Kelly Clarkson.

Clay hasn't got no radio, Clay's fans has to beg them to put Clay's song on the radio. I think Ruben is too also. Clay's Albums didn't do well, so it Ruben, he didn't do well on his albums.
Winning American Idol and our British Equvilent doesn't garuntee you long term success. Of all the various Popstars/Pop Idol/Xfactor series we've had in the UK there has only be 2 artists that have broken from the mould of the 'Reality TV winner' and has established their own sound and fanbase and have had long term success. The 2 being Girls Aloud and Will Young. Everyone else went as quick as they came.

And accross the pond I think the same can be said about Kelly Clarkson and probably Carrie Underwood. Although its hard for me to judge the success of Carrie as she is a complete unknown in the UK. The fued between Clive Davis is probably similar to the fued Will Young had with Simon Cowell, the indivudual artist wanted to go in a different muscial direction than the Record Company boss wanted them to. Kelly and Will clearly stood their ground, and did it their way and it has come up trumps for them as they have gained crtical aclaim/accolade, fantastic record sales and a huge fanbase.