Jorjeous Jorja/ Sassy Sara Picture thread pt. 3

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I love that last one! She looks so beautiful there (sorta like in ever other picture), thanks.

I am going to buy a cable sometime this week that will let me take the image paused on the TV and transfer it to the computer. Lotsa Sara pics! Yay!
I love the last pic too. She looks ethereal... like in this pic and this pic. :)

Don't forget to share your Sara pics with us! I'd love to add more to my collection. :D
Guys! I'm back in my Holland, and I love it. I was supposed to stay in France for 4 weeks, but I got so bored that I flew back today. :D Ouch, I missed MSN and all of you guys!
Beautiful pics fans- she's breathtaking- what a face :p has anyone ever seen her parents or brother- just curious who she look's like :eek:

melbel said:

Yeah! Yesterday my freind came over and when we eneterd my room she pointed at the door (most of the sufaces in my room are covered with pictures), where I sticked those three pics and said "There are new pics of Jorja Fox."
Me: Yep.
Friend: She's really pretty.
Me: Yep.
Friend: I love her eyes. They-re gorgeous.
Me (mentally relpying "Jorjeous, not gorgeous"): Yep.
Friend: You can just say 'yep' today?
Me: You say something false and I'll say 'nope'.

I just need to adopt a lovely fox and call her Jorja and then my room will be a perfect sanctuary.
Me (mentally relpying "Jorjeous, not gorgeous"): Yep.

I do that all the time. I tend to want to say things I probably shouldnt so in 3rd grade I got in the habit of saying everything in my head before saying it outloud. I will constantly find myself saying things like

omg those shoes are jorjeous! Wait no gorgeous. in my head.
The third pic is jorjeous CDC. What's that thing around her neck? It looks dangerous! If she were to tilt her head down I think it would prick her. :eek:
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