Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I love that scene, Alyssa! :)

You can hear her own song at her website. Click the enter button, then click H in the pop up. You'll see Jorja Fox with the song Satellite and just click the blue box next to it to listen to it. :)
:D:D:D! Roos, she must sound JORJEOUS! I love her sooo much, and when she sang "One Way or Another," in Too Tough to Die, her voice was absokutley beautiful.. If you liket he suond of nails on a chalkboard. ;)

ETA: I'm gone for the weekend. I shall think of Jorja while I am away :( See you all on monday!
Really, she's such a great singer! :) And actually, I really like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. So I love her voice too! No. Just kidding, lol. :) She should record an album. :)

Have fun, Alyssa! :)
Oh yes...her song. I must say I love it. It does sound strange at first and the recording isn't the best but that's just something that makes it more real.
I listen to a lot of underdog bands, I have a couple of friends too who make garage music. I like that it's more inventive and much closer to life than most profetionally recorded, adapted and electronically perfected songs (not that I don't like some of that too)
But back on topic: Jorja rocks and I absolutely love her song, it's scratchy, original, emotional and beautiful. Just like her.
^I also like the song, recording and the background didnt sound all that good but overall her voice sounds good. After hearing it a couple of times i was singing it along with her.
MiaCharlize said:
I like that it's more inventive and much closer to life than most profetionally recorded, adapted and electronically perfected songs (not that I don't like some of that too)
I hear ya. Some singers sound sooooo good on their studio-recorded albums with the fancy tones and cool beats but when they sing live they sound like Mickey Mouse with a sore throat. It makes my skin crawl. You don't need to be a singer to be a singer these days. How fecking annoying. But with Jorja - although the sound quality isn't good (blame the rusty recording!) - it's all her. Guitar and all; 100% Jorja. :)

See you soon Alyssa!
I'm home! :) I missed you all. We had a little.. Run-in on the FanFic fourm with my role play :lol: Ahh, us crazy FicAddicts.

And, anyway, I'm going to check that site, Roos, in a bit, after I take a shower:p. See y'all soon! :)
Hehe, yeah. And Alyssa, I just know you'll like it. :) I'll have to go to the vet now, to buy some food for my cat. And you'll never guess; the vet's name is Vos (Dutch for Fox) :lol:
Ha. That's funneh.

Uhm.. I'm always wondering if Jorja really is almost FORTY! She looks like someone who's still in Universtiy, or just out of it. And it's crazy, because I know people just out of University (teacher intern) and she almost looks the same age as our Jorjeous Jorja! :eek:
Mini_Catherine said:
Uhm.. I'm always wondering if Jorja really is almost FORTY! :eek:

Hard to believe, eh? ;) I just don't know how she does it :lol: She's always looked that way. When watching clips and going through screencaps of movies and shows she was in when she was younger (about 20 or so), she looks like a teenager :lol: In the Kill-Off, I swear, she could've vouched for 16 and I would've believed her :p

The other night at this party for my grandparents that I went to at the bar I saw a bottle of Heineken :lol: Yeah, you can guess where my mind was :p
Aww! I just listened to her song! She has such a bee-ee-ayy-utiful voice! I was like, "Ooh! That's so cute!" To bad the quality sucks so much, and it's really muffeled! But her voice is amazing!
just been watching jorja in the west wing- she's amazing in the three episodes she pops up in!
Mini_Catherine said:
She looks like someone who's still in Universtiy, or just out of it.
WHOA! If that were true, I'd want her sitting next to moi! I'd have no reason to skip lectures then! ;) But my grades would suffer, coz I'll be staring at her the entire time and not pay any attention to the professor. Win some, lose some! :p
SidLer said:
WHOA! If that were true, I'd want her sitting next to moi! I'd have no reason to skip lectures then! ;) But my grades would suffer, coz I'll be staring at her the entire time and not pay any attention to the professor. Win some, lose some! :p

I'd be working extra hard to not flunk coz I'd want to stay in her class :lol: And maybe offer her help with notes and such, we can exchange them over coffee (or dinner :p)
Okay, here's a question. Who do you like more, Sara or Jorja. Like, their attitudes, personalities, ect.

I like Jorja more, because she seems to be freespirited and happy, and Sara's more sad and not bubbly. But then again, I like Sara more because she's so discrete and amazingly sweet inside a dark package.. She's just.. Sheilded.
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