Jorja's piercing rumor

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IMHO if you have the body for it, and you think it is attractive, why not pierce your bb? I have 3 piercings in each ear, and the only body parts I have not considered piercing in the future are tongue (high rate of infection) and nose (too many colds/allergies, yuck). It is all about what you feel enhances your beauty.

And again, IMHO, Jorja is a TOTAL fox with or without piercings. And if I weren't a straight gal....... :devil:
i'm not trying to be a smartass, i swear...

But i find it pretty funny in this day and age for a navel piercing to get such individualized attention. I personally dont have one, but a navel piercing is right next to ear piercing as far as i'm concerned. I thought this thread was something naughty but remembered this site is only PG-13 *embarrassed smirk*

And for the record, the only thing i have pierced are my ears... thought i'd clear that up :lol: :p
I don't think she looked pregnaunt! I really don't see what you guys see I guess. She is like super skinny if ya ask me!
Okay on the Pregnancy rumor I admit I was probably one that had thought she was But Now *shrugs* I mean think about it dont you all think we'd know by now if she was? Personally I think its the clothes she wears someetimes and the fact that the camera does add 10 pounds
as for the Belly button ring I think it would be cool if she did have one My 42 year old sister has one (as does my niece) and Heck if I could stand Pain i'd probably get one
and I'd love for them to work it into the show
Heck if I could stand Pain i'd probably get one
and I'd love for them to work it into the show

I had one done 4/5 years ago to celebrate my GCSE results and it didnt hurt one bit. The guy anaesthatised the area before hand. Its just a shame that it started to grow out so now i just have the holes *sniffs* :(
IMHO if you have the body for it, and you think it is attractive, why not pierce your bb? I have 3 piercings in each ear,

I agree! I always thought if you had the body wanted to do it..go for it. More power to you! I mean I have 7 pierceings in my left ear and 8 in my right ear. Of course I wear small studs. I'm not sure I could do my tongue or bb.
I couldnt do my tongue of anymore on my ears as ive been told that hurts.
If my bb heals ok in a few years i want it done again i kinda feel naked without it, i have no odd bumps where the bar used to be :p
forensicsgirl said:
Hey, I've got a bad screen cap of the scene that started the piercing rumor:
Kinda looks like a piercing to me - yum.
As for the pregnancy rumors, I think it's silly that such rumors start simply because an actress has a bit of a tummy. I for one am glad that she's not a complete anorexic looking twig like most actresses in Hollywood, which are terrible rolemodels for young girls. Gain a little more weight, Jorja, I say, it suits you. Either way, she is an extremely beautiful and sexy woman. Fox by name, fox by nature :D

I agree that Ms. Fox is a very lovely woman, but to these old eyes, the photo has the appearance a bit like the edge of the waistband of a pair of jeans. Possibly even the way the top button on a pair of pants can after lots of wear, bend outwards somewhat, maybe giving the impression of a navel ring. Who knows for certain? It's her body, even if some things Jorja may do is 'not neccesarily in character' for Sara.
*pops in* This is interesting, haha.

I don't know if I believe Jorja has a navelpiercing. Of course it's possible. I mean, who knows, right? Yeah, well... Anyway.

Who in the world would say Jorja is fat? (If Jorja is fat, then what the hell am I?) My parents always refer to her as the skinny one from CSI!! Seriously, I don't get this. Jorja may have an evident tummy, but fat? No no no.
I do think we'd know pretty quickly if she was pregnant...or suspect at least. Those of you who post on the NY board know how fast the fans spotted Anna Belknap's prengancy before it was confirmed.

I dunno about the 'piercing or not' pic, it could be either or I guess. Me, I'm chicken, I've never had anything pierced lol

I agree about the figure thing, it's good that she's not rail-thin...don't think Marg really is either.
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