Jorja's piercing rumor

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I wouldn't mind having a body like hers in my bed *blushes* Did I just say that :D I think Jorja is such a beautiful woman - hence her being top of my 'list'. I wouldn't object to her putting on a little more weight though, but that's just a personal preference.

And back to the piercing - I'm not a huge fan of naval piercings (more to do with the pain factor than anything else - I have a friend who had an nasty accident with hers) but JF could wear a sack and I'd think it's sexy, so it's all good as far as I'm concerned if she does have a piercing there.

If it were worked into the show, I can see Nick and Greg teasing her about it, and I can imagine Grissom glancing at her tummy with an odd look in his eyes, but saying nothing... *giggles* it'd be funny if Sara then caught him staring at her tummy :lol:
Jorja Fox is so beautiful.. Honestly. I hope she has pierced her bellybuttom... It would be cool ^^
As for her being pregnant, uhm.. *chough* you don't think she would tell sooner of later??

I don't think anyone ever said she was 'fat' or anything like that. her tummy may not always be perfectly flat all the time - which is where these silly rumours come from. But she is very slender.
I wouldn't mind having a body like hers! :D
Me either. :D Heck I'd be happy to see my toes again. :rolleyes: :lol:
i gotta ask: hasn't the whole pregnancy ro=umor about Jorja been going on since like S3? i thought she was in season 3 quite honestly, it was th first time i saw her looking a little big, it scared me b/c i thought if she were pregnant she would be on that much during the next season (but low an behold she doesn't have a bf... or at least one we don't know about).
Heh. Another Swede that loves Jorja! I always say we have good taste. :D

(Fast de rätta paren är förstås Snickers eller Sandles *inte* GSR. :lol:)

Anyway I agree it would be HOT if she had a piercing!

I dunno but the first time I heard the preggers thing was last year. I think it´s just her bad posture that makes her belly show a bit. She´s very skinny. Look at the rest of her body and what we saw in the shower....
What kind of rings do you think she'd wear? Plain bars, ones with jewels, dangles, silly ones? hmm...

I have a neat one that I wear all the time that I could see her wearing. Give me a sec to see if I can find the picture. (someone back home didn't believe me when I told them I got it done. haha. showed them. :p)
LOL, you guys. That "lump" in her shirt doesn't look like a lump at all. In fact, it doesn't look like a pertrusion, but an indent from the empty space of her belly button. If you go back to Play With Fire, that tight shirt of her's really shows it. I honestly don't think she has a belly ring.
hmm...does anyone have any better screen caps to better illustrate one way or the other?

It's hard to know for sure because wardrobe my have her take it out for certain outfits and I have a few with flat designs and you'd never notice them under my shirt, even with the tightest top on. So it's a mystery. ;)

I'm having fun speculating about it.

If she does have it, I still think it would be funny if they work it into the show some how. I wonder what the others would think about it?
To the best of my knowledge Miss Fox does not have a pierced navel. She rarely wears any jewelry at all, on the show (which is expected) or in public at an event. Awards ceremonies (Golden Globes, etc) are usually the only time you'll see her wearing earrings or bracelets, though she wears necklaces all the time.

Ahh! Damn it! I'm so terrible at doing that. I meant to mention that this was stated in the JFO site by Nightwolf. I'm so sorry. I really suck when it comes to quoting. I just get to excite to post things sometimes but thank you for calling it to my attention and letting me fix it. I'm really very sorry.
And btw, really.. Isn't it sad that we're speculating in the fact that she might be pregnant? I mean if she is, great for her, if she's not.. Well... I mean honestly :p
To the best of my knowledge Miss Fox does not have a pierced navel. She rarely wears any jewelry at all, on the show (which is expected) or in public at an event. Awards ceremonies (Golden Globes, etc) are usually the only time you'll see her wearing earrings or bracelets, though she wears necklaces all the time.

Even she doesn't have other jewelry, it doesn't mean automaticly that she hasn't pierced navel.
I also noticed that right away when saw that scene, what was posted on page 1. I could have better screencap from it actually.
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