Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

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Hi Desertwind, I am so dying to see new photos of her and post it here. I really cannot wait to watch the new season. My jorja/sara pic vault is from years back and most of them snagged and saved, well for personal effects ;).

Looking forward to enjoying more amazing/beatiful images.

Hi back, Me too, till then~

Hmmm...I wonder if the floor was level in that last cast picture because Grissom and Catherine seem extra short and Greg extra tall! :lol:
Nice caps girls, and I think she does dabble on the guitar, no Eric Clapton, but if she loves it, and has fun, that's cool! haven't we all done that at least once?:rommie:

Apparently she plays the guitar for real, as stated on this site I'll post ,[below] with Gary:eek:

GARY AND JORJA Bet she'll miss him:( but can still hang with him in real life;)


Here's a cool site which is also posted on her other thread, and all her exciting activities:thumbsup:

And lets all pray for our fellow Americans who are suffering in New Orleans, and the Gulf Coast states!
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Yeah, there are quite a few pictures around of her playing the guitar, as well as an awesome song she wrote, played, sang and posted on her website a few years ago. :hugegrin:
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