Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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to SaraSidle_girl ;) have a good one, and thank's for the great pics.. and cocoa as always ;)

The pics SaraSidle_Girl posted are also on JFO. They're from some party she went to at Pink's house called "Let's Have a Dog Party"

When she smiles, it just lights up her whole face. I love that smile. :D
ssg happy birthday
and thanks.
tini i love that photo shoot i thought she really look different and very lady like. love the her new hair style.
desert i do love the smile she wore it so addictive ;) :lol:.

i think hodges is so mezmerize by her. ;)

Aww the Hodges/Sara cap is so adorable. I think behind his snarkyness he really likes her. And vice versa. Hope they'll have another scene together before Jorja leaves, they're always fun to watch.

And the pic with the baby is so cute, would have liked it better if Jorja was the one holding the baby but well... she looks really pretty in it.
Saw the pics of Jorja in this week's Entertainment magazine, Just wanted to stop by and say that she looks absolutely gorgeous. Has she lost weight?

Cute dress. Very niceeeee.
sarahSidle1981 said:
SaraSidle_girl said:
Every picture of Jorja smiling makes my day! :D

Let's Have a Dog Party

I love this Picture the baby in the picture is so cute. My qustions is who the guy and the baby?

The guy with the baby is i think comedian Kevin Nealson(weeds)
and the woman with her arm in a sling is Ingrid Newkirk she's just written a new book and she is the president of PETA. :) i read that Eric Szmanda was there but havent seen any pic's of him
I just found this pic of Jorja & Lelah and I'm sure it hasn't been posted before as I can't imagine I would have missed that. They're so cute together :D

Oh and doesn't that blue shirt stir memories of something Jorja wore at one of those peta events? It's not the same, but sure looks similar :lol:
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