Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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annaSophia said: WE SUPPORT JORJA FOX!!!
[URL REMOVED - Solicitions are NOT allowed]
Edited: Please see the "Solicition" Thread created by TBonz regarding this subject.
Also Board disclaimer States: advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this BB.

I urge folks to remember this. This board does not endorse, support or in any way take responsiblity for those who post soliciational links on this site, if you have currently or in the past done this or might try this, it is at your discreation. Anyone soliciting (per the disclaimer or the Thread regarding the issue) their accounts will be locked. What you do off this board is of your own free will and not our responsiblity.

Noting that Petitions that only ask for signatures will be allowed.

Thank you.
great pictures guys. and i'm happy that sara survive and was found.

being cared for

and i love that she is tough, and fighter to live.
and i saw the promo for 8x02 over youtube i love her look and i love her smile to.
A banner that say " KEEP JORJA FOX ON CSI " :D will fly over the offices of CSI at Universal City in Los Angeles on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. PST. All this is weather permitting, although the weather looks good for both days.

I though I would pass along this info so that anyone who lives in LA and near enough to Universal City could go there and see the banners and take pictures to post for those who are unable to be there to see the banners.
Guys, we gotta tell every living soul, anyone who gives a damn about CSI about JF, and join the campaign, write letters to tptbs, sign petition...contribute in any way. We know CSI need Sara, we need Sara. Now, lets make noise...tptbs must hear us.
Spread the news about 'Dollars for Sense' all other fandoms, news media, myspace, facebook... We don't have time.
Everyone We are attempting to get a handle on this and for those who are thinking of trying this method you too will be officially warned. Please keep in mind the thread that TBonz posted regarding Solicitation, if you haven't read it I suggest you do so. We ask that people please keep moving and return to the topic of this thread.
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