Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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awesome pics. haha i liked the caption on that last pic. "your awake. i hate you" hehe that scene was great! kept me laughing the hole time! :D
Sidle1981 those pics are fantastic, I've never seen any of them before, thank's ;) I love to see her with her cast-mates, she's so happy with all of them [especially Grissom] ;)

Woah! The best thing to see when your internet connection has been restored after 10 days (!!) is such beautiful pictures of Jorja!!!

Thanks everyone for making my day :D
I have to post this pic here, because, obviously, I haven't posted in awhile *ducks flying objects* :lol: I know, I know, I'm horrible, I'm a disgrace to Jorja fangirls everywhere, I'm--

--in the process of fainting from adorableness :lol:
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