Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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if I had her body I'd sure start sewing one... but at the moment I don't think I could wear a shirt with such a low neckline ;) ;)
desertwind, I love both of the pics you posted! Damn, Gary looks cute....ooops sorry wrong thread! Jorja looks gorgeous in both.

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
thanks desertwind

and I love that pic from NHI...
I also loved how she looked in last night's ep... she looks hotter and hotter with each ep
SaraStar said:
I love that photo so much. The whole photoshoot actually. :)

There's more? *dances round wildly* A whole photo shoot?! *calms down to a slow methodic sway* Where can I find such wonderful beauties as these? Pray, do tell me hastily! *skips of jauntily at the pospect of such new beauty to be bestowed*

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
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