Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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Lovely desertwid!
That's my desktop background now.. :D
and I almost forget I love your icon is soo cute! they look soo so beautiful
BTW in that german mag.. she looks amazing and I love that sexy/interesting look :p
CSIFrost said:
I have to admit I don't watch as much of CSI as I do of CSIM but...

There was an episode I caught that makes me laugh to this day. Sara had a bloater (I'm pretty sure that was it...or someone stuffed into a bunch of goo in an old oil can) and obviously smelled REALLY REALLY bad. And this guy (I'm bad with details for CSI) came to see her at work, to ask her out. And she smelled like death, and he couldn't get over it, had to back up and everything.

I did feel bad for her though, when she's scrubbing up with lemons. Must be hard to keep a man when you smell like a corpse.

I think you mean Bully For You ;)

Love the pics guys, keep them coming.
ALl nice and I'll raise you again ;)

the sly smile ;)
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