Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Another cause pertaining to Jorja, and her involment Ending Dog Fighting in L.A. she will attend the Casino Royale: Playing For Change In Las Vegas later in May~ to read about this

"Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle) was one of my closest friends on the show, and she just needed to move on in her life. I miss her every time I go on the lot, but she's surfing in the morning, getting ready to do some movie or something, and I think she's happy as a clam. It's wonderful to see somebody do what they want to do and be happy and I would have to say Jorja is quite happy."

Such sweet things to say!
It's a nice interview. Jorja is going to do a movie:)

Another cause pertaining to Jorja, and her involment Ending Dog Fighting in L.A. she will attend the Casino Royale: Playing For Change In Las Vegas later in May
Jorja is involved in a lot causes :)
Where does that article mention Jorja?

They hadn't updated the webpage with her name yet when Desertwind posted it, but she's on there now. And I believe it's taking place in Hollywood, not Vegas. Hopefully we will get pics, because it's HSUS so it's a big deal.
What Robert David Hall said is so very awesome, and shows the camraderie that he and the rest of the CSI cast had with her, and that she's friends with all of them so rocks. I just can't wait tosee her return for a 'guest spot' on the show, and of course the CSI movie:thumbsup:
Jorja Q&A

13 Questions

jorja fox

1. spring, summer, autumn, or winter?summer for sure.
2. favorite destinations?anywhere with a surf break. Hawaii, Costa Rica....
3. most treasured possession?my blonde '65 Rickenbacker guitar. A reclaimed gift from an old friend.
4. currently reading?A people's history of the US by Howard Zinn (again) and Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen
5. favorite design found in nature?rain forests.
6. 3 things you can't live without?laughter, adventure, and music .
7. favorite beverage?tea. caffeinated only.
8. favorite plant or flower?Gardenias.
9. top 3 films?I could never pick just three. I could watch Step Into Liquid and Planet Earth for the rest of my life. I've seen Forrest Gump like twenty five times. Sleepless in Seattle, The Electric Horseman, War Dance, Postcards from the Edge, Little Miss Sunshine, Slum Dog Millionaire.
10. current obsessions?The ICUN red list of threatened and endangered species, surfing, happy endings.
11. 1st celebrity crush?Johny Depp, of course.
12. most inspired by?the Beatles, MLK, Robert Redford, and Maya Angelou.
13. favorite cause?NRDC, FINCA, PETA, Animal Acres, Human Rights Campaign, HSUS
Thanks for posting that Inxs. I share many of her inspirations, film favorites, and, 'of course', a Johnny Depp crush! Especially liked the 'rainforest' and 'happy endings' responses. :)

It goes without saying, Jorja is awesome!
I really miss Jorga/Sara. I love the team now, but it just feels like there's something missing. Something that I can't quite put my finger on. I guess i'm just longing for the good ole days....
Thank's Inxs I was just going to post this, ya' beat me to it:vulcan: nice little interview, my favorite flower is also Gardenias, so fragrant and so sweet, I've got a bush in my side yard and pick them daily, and the dining room/kitchen areas smells luscious. And on men, Johnny Depp who doesn't have a crush on him, he's darling, & Robert Redford, also a favorite he's still good looking. good taste Jorja:p She is a force to be reckoned with. I miss her so much on CSI:(
Wow...I'm surprised you posted a video that ships cath/sara. Beautiful music though. I actually saw that video a few days ago, and the creator posted the name of the song but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Those two are an awesome duo! I guess their on-screen chemistry is greatly attributed to their friendship in real life. It's nice to see. :)
Does anyone know if Jorja supports ANY organizations/causes pertaining to puppy mills? If so, anyone have a link or any kind of information? I need to join up with her on that one.
There is The Humane Society of the United States

The HSUS Puppy Mills

Playing for Change

Jorja Fox will be at the casino event for the official kickoff of The HSUS's "End Dogfighting in Los Angeles" campaign. to stop Dog Fighting
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