Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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I just read over on JFO that Jorja is filming her episode of DDD now, so thats good news I can't wait to see her in something new.

LOL you beat me to it :) I agree she is a sweetheart.
According to this site Jorja is already done filming her one time apperance, and will be in this new Lifetime comedy in ep. 2 as a soccer mom. Here'a brief video of the 1st ep. Jorja is not in this, but it kinda of gives the idea of what's going on. It'll air on July 12~


I doubt they'd do a follow up story on her character, and unless they cast her as somebody else (which is unlikely, most shows don't like repeat faces playing characters) then we probably won't.

It would be nice to see, but personally I hope she pops up on the silver screen soon. I miss seeing her in proper movies.
She has not been nominated yet, but thanks to jfo we now know that Jorja is a contender for "Guest Actress" at this years Emmy's.

Remember, it's not official, they still have more cuts to make and there is a looooong list of really great actresses. We'll know the answer on the 16th. But it's nice to know it's a possibility, so keep your fingers crossed for a nomination!
THe CSI movie will be in her future no doubt, so I'm sure her staunch CSI fans will be thrilled to see her on the big screen. Some more season summaries for the new CSI Magazine~ every season has many cool , interesting things about each season, but these are pertaining to Sara from the particular ep. where she's involved, and her issues from the seasons!

Season 3, Best overall episode "Play with Fire"

Greg ends up in the hospital after an explosion in the lab, while Sara is left completely shell-shocked. Meanwhile Hodges demostrates that there is no "i" in team~

Season 4. and this has a full page photos of her stunning
Best overall episode "Butterflied" A murder in which the victim bears a striking resembance to Sara greatly affects Grissom~
Coolest techinique "Invisible Evidence" Sara and Greg re-inflate a crushed car!
Best character intereaction After Sara gets stopped for drunk-driving in the closing moments of ths season, Grissom, comes to pick her up at the station takes her hand and comforts her~
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Continuing with seasons and Sara.. up to S/5~all episodes and what happened with Sara~Credit CSI Magazine~

Villain of the season Conrad Ecklie, of course, in "Ch Ch Changes" After his promotion he fabricates a reason to launch an inquiry into' Grissom's conduct, breaks up the team and later suspends Sara for insubordination~

Best character interaction "Nesting Dolls" Grissom visits Sara after he suspension to get to the bottom of her anger management issues. Sara confesses to Grissom that her mother stabbed her father~

Season 6
Best overall episode "Way To Go" Brass gets gunned down and narrowly escapes death after flatlining twice in the hospital. Then we finally get confirmation of Sara and Grissom's relationship, when she walks out of the bathroom in only a satin robe~

Coolest technique "Kiss Kiss Bye Bye" Greg and Sara use a remote camera to search under the floorboards in a murder investigation~

Grossest moment "Bodies In Motion" Greg accidentally gets decomposed body liquid in his mouth and Sara comments "Technically, that makes you a cannibal, Grissom would be proud"

Coolest plot twist "Te Usual Suspects" 12-yr. old Hannah West manages to convince a jury and the CSI team she is guilty of murder. But she whispers the truth to Sara that it was actually her brother Marlon, by then it's too late:(
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Continuing the CSI episodes with Sara from the CSI Magazine~Analysis~

Season 7

Season Summary In an attempt to force casino owner Sam Braun into paying off a bad debt, Catherine is drugged and her daughter Lindsey kidnapped by some very bad men. A short time later Sam is shot dead... Meanwhile, a mysterious killer leaves behind an exact minature replica of the crime scene-much to Grissom's fascination. Greg is hospitialized when he steps in to help a victim who is being attacked by a gang of hooded villians, and Grissom takes a 4 week sabbtical and is temporatily replace by Michael Keppler, a CSI with an unorthodox way of working some heavy emtional baggage. Lady Heather is attacked abnd the team investigate, while the Minature Killer [as she was dubbed] kidnaps Sara-forcing Grissom to reveal the truth about their relationship to the team~

Best overall episode "Empty Eyes" Five showgirls are killed in the same house with their throats slashed. One of the victims dies while holding Sara's hand~

Villain of this season "The Minature Killer", Natalie Davis, who blames Grissom for her fathers death, and kidnaps Sara, leaving her for dead in the desert. She also leaves exact replicas of her crime scenes behing..creepy~

Coolest plot twist A creepy model of Sara trapped under a car in the desert is sent to the CSI lab in "Dead Doll"
Grossest moment "Bodies In Motion" Greg accidentally gets decomposed body liquid in his mouth and Sara comments "Technically, that makes you a cannibal, Grissom would be proud"

I think that was one of the most discusting scenes on CSI along with the guy in the bath "All For Our Country" and the body in the bag "Bully for You"
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Those were gross and then the "SNUFF" ep. from S/3, with the poor kid stuffed in a drum, and he was all turned into fat gel:(probably every ep. in the 9 years has had something disgusting and unbeliveable~ More from the CSI Magazine and Sara

Season Summary A massive manhunt is launched to find Sara. Trapped under a car in the desert with the rain pouring down around her, Sara is forced to draw on all her strength to free herself. After being rescued in the nick of time [by Nick] Sara resigns but leaves before she works her notice when the pressures and responsibilites of the job become to much, In a emotional departure we see Grissom reading a farewell letter, Warrick investigates a case and soon begins to suspect there's a mole in the department. With his personal life and marriage falling apart, his judgement becomes compromised and when he gets to close to the truth, he's framed for murder. The dayshift led by Ecklie investigates Warrick's case, but Grissom insists on reviewing the findings and utmately proves Warrick's innocence, but then the Undersheriff appears~

Best overall episode "Dead Doll" Sara is rescued form the desert by the CSI team, and the poignant ride in the helicopter with Grissom holding Sara's hand~

Best character interaction Grissom proposing marriage to Sara, while they are both dressed in full beekeeper outfits in "The Case Of The Cross Dressing Carp"
And the last season ending this collage for S/9 also from the CSI Magazine~and although Jorja Fox was not listed in the credits, she was paramount important in the last scene:p

Season Summary
The season opens with the team discovering Warrick shot dead. As they search for evidence to bring his killer to justice, Grissom delivers the euology at Warrick's funeral, and Sara returns to Las Vegas when Grissom calls her. Riley a new CSI joins the nighshift and a counselor comes in to help the team cope with Warrick's death. Shorthanded, Hodges is temporarily brought in to the filed, while Grissom struggles with the grief of both Warrick and Sara, under the guise of asking for advice on a case, he visits Lady Heather to try and regain perspective. Greg is promoted and Dr. Langston joins the nighshift as well, as a level 1 CSI, after Grisoom decides to leave the LVPD for good. Langston is quickley thrust into the thick of the action, even managing to get himself taken hostage in the first few months~

Bad Season for..
Grissom. He struggles with the death of Warrick and loses the woman he loves..briefly~

Best character interaction
Grissom finding his lady love in Costa Rica, and swoops her up in his arms for a very passionate kiss~
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for Jorja she's listed/submitted for "outstanding guest actress" for 'The Happy Place" the guy that pulled the plug on his wife and blatantly lied to Sara, and she goes 'This is why I can't do this anymore":(I hope she wins, she certainly deserves it~
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Actually, she's only been submitted for the nomination, the actual nominations will be announced July 16. Don't want anyone to get confused.
Yeah, like over 100 people were submitted in that category, so the chances of making the final five are slim, but good luck to Jorja all the same! There were a lot of really strong guest appearances this year so it will be tough.
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