Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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This is in the new tv guide

A CSI spokesman said there are no imminent plans to bring Sara back
That isn't really good for us then. I think they already know how they are bringing her back. She knows it too, they just can't tell us. This is all a big secret that I wish I was a part of. The episodes without Sara are really boring, I don't find them interesting. I just hope that when she comes back it will be permanantly and not just as a guest appearance.
This is the entire snippet from that article with her in the TV Guide dated April 16-20

title~ Who's in and who's out
Jorja Fox IN?
When Fox left CSI last fall, exec. producer Carol Mendelsohn predicted she would be back 'someday', insisting "fans haven't seen the last of Sara Sidle"..cut to the April 3 ep. Sara's spirit loomed large in an episode that confirmed that Grissom is far from over her. Sounds like a Sara comeback is imminent yes? NOPE:rolleyes: A CSI rep. [no name mentioned] says that while the door is open for Fox to return there are no immediate plans for her to do so!

We know that she won't be in the final episodes this season, but S/9 is on the horizon, and WP just signed back for then, soooo:bolian:

And I agree sidlewannabe I keep looking for her to walk in the door, and be working on the cases with her team mates! part of the heart of the show is missing!
Part of the heart of the show really is missing with her gone. :( I too find the episodes boring without her. I miss her sarcastic comments, her little smiles, and of course the GSR moments. Even my friends who aren't really GSR shippers miss her.
I'm a little scared that see might get to busy with other stuff to come back. Obviously i want Jorja to be happy but i wonder if she gets to caught up in a different phase of her life she may not have the will or ability to come back- even if she is well intentioned right now. I think George Clooney has said he has wanted to make many appearances in ER since leaving and he has only made one to date. And for any of you who followed ER, he didn't even show up when Dr. Greene died, and i considered him the heart of the show. What i am trying to say is that i really hope nothing gets in the way of her return. For some reason i think that when she does return it will be on a recurrent basis and not a permanent one. I really hope i'm wrong. Whatever does happen, i hope we will see her soon!
With the stunning/sad news of Gary leaving and no "I might be back" at least we've got a slim chance of our girl returning, so to keep our spirits up, this is from our "news" here a while back~although this is from last year, right after this was posted, the writers strike started, and then they, [the cast] were all gone for 3 months, strange, not connected, but she leaves, and the writers strike happens!

Sara will be back says Carol Mendelsohn:bolian:
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That interview is dated October 2007, that's half a year ago. I don't think they care much about what theysaid in the past. That's not to say Jorja isn't going to come back, just that I wouldn't yet consider it a confirmed fact.

PS: Off topic: What's that about Gary leaving? I don't follow the news about him or the rest of the cast, but I'm curious. I mean, what's CSI with half of the main cast gone?
This thread is a "keep the faith" on Jorja returning, and with light, and full of hope, and on 'half the cast' leaving' HMMM, there's Grissom, Cath, Nick, Warrick, Greggie, Brass, Doc, Hodges, Archie, Wendy, David, Ecklie and all the lab rats, not mentioned here, that's hardly half the cast. really only one, Gary, because Jorja will be back!:bolian:

And on her KTLA interview she said with a coy smile "I will be back , can't say how or when" and I hardly think she's lying!
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I agree with desertwind! Let's keep our hopes up! :) At this point there's not too much else we can do, but be positive, so let's own it! :lol:
Thanks for the links :) I really liked that interview, she seemed more laid back than usual. And suddenly I want to go to Marina del Rey and learn to sail ;)
THis interview is also posted on the GSR thread, and she talks about "leaving her smokin' hot" boyfriend with just a 'letter' she's funny, and candid, and rumor has it, that she's been seen hanging around the CSI set, lately:eek: source seattlegsrfan I'm betting, that she and the writers have a big surprise in store for us:thumbsup:
"Where in the world is Jorja? She’s in Costa Rica! " that what an article On Jorja Fox Online, Say's.
Taryn what's the story? and do you fans have a favorite episode with her? so many, I love her in "Empty Eyes" and "Committed" and "Nesting Dolls" and "Homebodies" "Dead Doll" and of course "Goodbye & Goodluck" a real tearjerker, but every one she was in is great:bolian:
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