Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Let's play nice, folks. :) You all love Jorja/Sara and have that common ground, so have fun discussing that and please refrain from personal digs at each other. Thank you! :)
Well, I could sit here and quote all the nice moments between Cath/Sara and the other females, but I'm sure you'd just shoot them down with more of the same. No one ever denied she had nice moments with the boys, but regardless of whether you believe it or not, there were plenty of nice moments with the female cast too.

It's not like I'm suggesting they're lovers or anything. :rolleyes: I don't know why it's so hard to accept that throughout the years, there have been plenty of nice moments between the ladies of CSI as well as the boys. It's one thing to state an opinion but another to shoot other people down in a passive-aggressive manner. And I know I'm not the first person to feel this way.
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Ok I started this topic, and I was suggesting beings Sara has returned and her rapport with the guys, was outstanding, and rose above the other team members on the show. If some one wants to post about her and the girls on CSI, go for it. I never saw any, or wrote down any so if you've got some lines/quotes etc. with the girls on the CSI show, by all means lets see them! I never insulted anyone about anything, and so much negativity is childish, lame, & nasty not to mention wrong. I will continue to post the lines that I see and like about Sara and the guys on CSI. You can slice, dice and disect this, & she still has always had a better relationship with the men on the show over the women, that's just a fact~If you'd like me to post all nine years, well I probably could. This is a Sara Sidle thread so if someone else wants to share their thoughts on her other co-workers than by all means do it, and stop whinning and complaning about other fans and their preference. Thank you:thumbsup:

On "Coup de Grace: for the ones who actually watched it, Sara's chemistry with the new guy Moreno as sweet and real. Them examining the crime scene together, so comfortable. It was a bit weird to see Enrique Marciano fomerly from 'WOAT" working with Sara instead of Viv, Rosa or Sam:confused: but when they went down to the police interogating place, & the gang members [lovely bunch of guys:klingon:] and the one guy wouldn't open his mouth and Moreno threw him against the wall, Sara was impressed. he sure had her back. I hope maybe we'll see more of him, and them working together~
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As for their work relationship, they haven't had a great one. There has been friction, and that's not to say Cath/Sara fan's cant still like them. Nesting Doll's proved this. Yes, their relationship has gotten better and they get along just fine now. But they didn't then. So no, I don't agree there has been plenty of nice moments between the ladies. The only ladies that have been front and center are(other than Sara): Cath; Lady Heather. And Sara certainly didn't get along with either of them. Wendy has just recently had more scenes and the one scene she had with Sara was nice. But that was pretty much the only scene.

:scream: It annoys the crap out of me when non-GSR fans say the GSR fans shoot down their opinions. Not true.
:scream: It annoys the crap out of me when non-GSR fans say the GSR fans shoot down their opinions. Not true.

I'm only speaking about the comments I've read over the years on here from Desert_Dracula. Personally, I don't care if you're a GSR fan or if you're not. As long as you're respectful, it doesn't matter who you ship. It only bothers me when those of us who aren't GSR fans are continually shot down if we happen to read a situation a different way. And yes, this happens on here all the time. I believe fans have had this same complaint about this person's posts many times in the past. If people happen to disagree with their opinion, we get a lot of passive-aggressive nonsense in return.

I come here because I'm a fan of the show. I'm a Sara/Jorja fan. And a Marg/Cath fan. I also love Nick and Greg. The fact that I don't support GSR should be insignificant as it has nothing to do with my opinions. I can respect your opinions, but I don't feel we always get the same in return. I know I'm not the only one. And I have nothing against the GSR fans as a whole. I know you're not all the same and I've never had anything against you. This is an issue with one poster. I've seen the same behavior for a very long time. I'm trying to respectfully bring it to attention so she'll know the way her posts come across and maybe make an effort to cut down on the condescending remarks. It rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

Fans of all sorts should be able to come into one of these threads without being made to feel wrong because they have a different opinion. We're not all going to think the same way, and you should be made to feel welcome regardless of what you may think. :)
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I'm trying to respectfully bring it to attention so she'll know the way her posts come across and will try not to be so condescending in the future. It rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
Hun, I hate to break it to ya, but you're talking to a brick wall! ;)

My favorite Sara quote of the entire series:
"Drive" - in response to Catherine's question "wanna get a beer?"
Hun, I hate to break it to ya, but you're talking to a brick wall! ;)

My favorite Sara quote of the entire series:
"Drive" - in response to Catherine's question "wanna get a beer?"

Oh, I know I am, but I had to try. I'm not one to sit back and tolerate disrespect.

That was one of my top five favorite scenes. The smiles were awesome. Perfectly acted. I love when we get to see more of the Marg/Jorja friendship bleed through into their characters a little.
One more time...

Please continue to discuss Sara/Jorja without jabbing at each other. If you have an issue with someone, take it to PM. If you can't tolerate reading what someone posts, put them on ignore. That goes both ways/for everyone.

Thank you (again!)! :)
On the episodes with Sara and her team mates, a great episode was from S/6 "RASHOMAMA" where the mother was dragged behind a car, and a who dunnit. The team walking thorugh the arbor and perceiving different scenerios. But, the opening scene with Sara..Greg & Nick, it was so charming and sweet, some dialogue from that scene ~

Frank's Coffee Shop~

Sara:: Why do we always come here?
Greg: It's open 24 hours~
Sara: Everything is open 24 hours in Vegas~
Greg: It's cheap:lol: Nick enters~
Nick: Smells like bacon in here to Sara, that scene took forever, we were like there what 9 hours?
Greg: A dead lawyer & 200 eye witnesses-it's going to take a while~
Nick: Come for a wedding, stay for a funeral, and why do we always eat here?
Sara: Ah, tradition, like becomming property exchange between you father and your husband~

Source.. transcripts
For fans who are interested, there is on this site an "ignore list option" so one doesn't have to read vile, demented comments or be ridiculed on a daily basis, so that's great and those who want to, can have this option, and not have to read derogatory posts:bolian:And, I highly doubt that some of these people don't even watch CSI, & have zero interest in the character Sara or the episodes she's in, or that she came back, but just sign on to belittle others, pathetic~
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