Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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I was searching thought some old papers and came across some tender moments with children teenagers are still kids till their 21. One comes to mind the bonding with the girl who was in foster care [ can't name the ep] but she told her ["I was in the system too"] and they were tight in that scene. And the one that is one of my favorites with Sara, is in "HOMEBODIES" where the girl was gang raped, and was afraid to pick out the creep in the line-up. But, Sara made her comfortable and she told her about her and her boyfriend, and Sara was all ears, then went with her into the lineup room with Brass, and said "I know you can do this" and the girl goes "OK", but chickened out at the last moment because of fear. Sara was right there for her. Then when she was shot down the scene was so tense and horrible and Sara looked at Grissom and then Brass, and went to the car where tears were streaming down her cheeks. A real tear-jerker, and a captivating moment with Sara and her stellar acting~and more I will find when I have time~

I was searching thought some old papers and came across some tender moments with children teenagers are still kids till their 21. One comes to mind the bonding with the girl who was in foster care [ can't name the ep] but she told her ["I was in the system too"] and they were tight in that scene. And the one that is one of my favorites with Sara, is in "HOMEBODIES" where the girl was gang raped, and was afraid to pick out the creep in the line-up. But, Sara made her comfortable and she told her about her and her boyfriend, and Sara was all ears, then went with her into the lineup room with Brass, and said "I know you can do this" and the girl goes "OK", but chickened out at the last moment because of fear. Sara was right there for her. Then when she was shot down the scene was so tense and horrible and Sara looked at Grissom and then Brass, and went to the car where tears were streaming down her cheeks. A real tear-jerker, and a captivating moment with Sara and her stellar acting~and more I will find when I have time~

I was searching thought some old papers and came across some tender moments with children teenagers are still kids till their 21. One comes to mind the bonding with the girl who was in foster care [ can't name the ep] but she told her ["I was in the system too"]


No Numans Involved one of my favorites
It's one of my favorites too Inxs heart-wrenching, and such great acting. Another one with her was the one [don't remember the name] when the little boy came in to visit Warrick, and she was so sweet and kind to him and then Warrick came out and chatted with him while Sara was smiling in the background, and seemed pleased that her co-workder had also a good chemistry with children. And then "Coming of Rage" the kid that was beaten to death at the construction site, and the end with Sara and the little coniving lying girl, who Sara had pegged, and the saucy banter between was stellar. :bolian:And "Turn Of The Screw" where Sara and Grissom were interviewing the girl at the amusement park. She called herself Cleopatra, and they had a good rapport. Plus the kid who did the crime and Sara talking, she just has a great way and good connection with kids!
Fro the new TV Huide Oct. 12-18, [just got mine in the mail] it has from their INBOX readers, on the cover of the one with Jorja and Marg~

Your gorgeous CSI cover [9-28] proves what I've known all along:Jorja Fox is the sexiest woman on the show! Now, if only the producers would would hire her back full time as Sara, the lab tech, and kick brownnoser Hodges to the curb. Welcome back Jorja, We've really missed you~
Plattsburgh, N.Y.

I've been counting the days till Jorja Fox's return to CSI, ever since it was announced she'd be back. Now you put the lovely duo or Jorja and Marg on your cover is their sexiest photo shoot ever! Sweet!
Mayborn, Franklin, N.C.
Those are the only ones that were in the magazine, but sometimes other images from the photoshoot that were not chosen can pop up in some places. Sometimes referred to as "outtakes".
There are outtakes, KC is correct. There are not publicly available ones. I'm not clear on if it's TV Guide or the photographer being the hold up, but either way, no more pics at this time.
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