Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Ths is such hugh news, that it's in all the papers, WOW, How fantastic;) Here's another version, of this explosive story. GO Jorja, and thank you for returning

Sara Sidle is coming back to "CSI" Crime Scene Investigation. Actress Jorja Fox, who left the CBS crime drama as a regular two years ago, will return as Sara for the 10th season premiere, and OTHER episodes, CBS said Friday. "WE'RE THRILLED FOR JORJA'S RETURN TO CSI, SAID CAROL MENDELSOHN, ADDING THAT VIEWWERS WILL DISCOVER WHERE LIFE HAS TAKEN SARA SIDLE AND WHAT BRINGS HER BACK TO THE "CSI" TEAM IN LAS VEGAS IN OUR PREMIERE EPISODE The show returns Sept. 24. Fox, part of the 'CSI" team since the show started, left during it's 8th year. She was seen briefly last season, including one episode in which her character reunited with her ex-colleague and romantic interest Gil Grissom, played by William Petersen. Petersen left the series last season, with Laurence Fishburne joining the cast. CBS didn't say whether Petersen migh drop back on the next season along with Fox~
Lynn Wlber.. The Associated Press
Me too nanigsr and millions of others, My whole circle of family and firends are in disabelief. I can't wait, and I'll bet she'll really connect with Dr. Langston their a bit alike. Compassionate and sympathetic, and she'll be a great help to him. I'll be a bit weird, to see her and not the other two characters who've left, but that might change as well.
Here's another article about Jorja returning, it's all over the news, this seems to be the official CBS news from TV Squad. Can't wait for her to be back where I think, and many others where she belongs, for now. I'm so glad she decided to make this great move

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Thanks DW for the link!! Here say...Sara's going to have some very good reason to leave that romantic idyll. What could be that very good reason?
Your welcome nanigsr and here's another poll, I couldn't get the http to go in, but it's from AOL, and I wrote down the figures on Jorja coming back. 72% for it, 28% against it, out of 106,011 fans polled;) I'll be interesting to see where she fits in on the S/10 premiere~
72% for it?!? Awesome DW,I'm crazy to see her already. She is the queen of csi...Billy the king,just my opinion. I saw a photo of Jorja in DDD!!! The picture is in TVG and jorjaallaround.
She's so pretty!!!
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Yeah nanigsr I saw it too, but she only did one appearance, I saw it and it, to me was awful, [not her, the show] and it's not even in the top ten cable shows, anyway, now she's back on CSI. They started filming on Monday, so poor team in this horrible 105 L.A. degree heat. Hopefully they've kept them indoors. I can't wait to see what she's going to do, and how she's going to help whatever is going on. Bet there were many huggles and kisses with her buddies:thumbsup:
Yeah,i am crazy to see her on DDD,and on CSI later. She always knew that would return to CSI.
I'm so happy,and so worry to the same time!!!
Here's an article about her from Naren Shankar and a tad of CM, talking about her return, So there she is back with the team, and It'll be interesting to see how she bonds with Dr. Langston, I think it'll be good, their both compassionate and sympathetic to those less fortunate, than them. It'll be a good match professionally:thumbsup:


Courtesy of JAA~
Thank's kc_kc it is also posted on the S/10 "spoiler thread" glad she's back.. a great actress, boy they don't allow her to say much 'my lips are sealed type thing':confused:
Thanks DW,i read the article in spoiler. She sound soooo happy for her return. I'm happy for her,i can't wait for see her!!!
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