Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Okay. I think you all know by now what my thoughts on that are, as in the past I've been pretty obvious about it. HOWEVER I feel like nobody listens to the friggin' rules. I've been trying very hard to refrain from posting things I would like to post about that particular subject because it's not appropriate for this thread, and I feel like that effort just gets wasted when other people come in and do what I've been trying NOT to do and it just causes more of the same arguments. And it's not just one person. I really am sick of the constant back and forth and I would like some peace and civility in this thread. We have all stated our opinions on that, we all know where each other stands, so can we please move on from this? It's tiring.

The only person acting uncivil is you. I hate to say it, but really, no one was arguing in here. SOmeone stated their "common knowlegde". DW stated she does not believe in that. And I stated I was aware of said knowledge.

I really don't see an argument here. You might want to start breathing a bit before posting in here if it gets you this worked up;).
Well, this time around I don't see how it would cause an argument. All sides have stated their opinions. Without arguing.
People do not ignore the fact that it is not allowed, it was a newbie, I think, who posted this. And DW already stated that this info is not allowed. No, I don't see your point.
There, happy? I deleted all my posts because you did not understand at all what I was saying and it was taken way too far.

Whatever. I'm done with it. BACK ON TOPIC.

Fact: Jorja Fox is Foxy. :)
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Hey I don't know if this has been posted, but it is another clip from the 1990s show 19 which Jorja was apart of ;)


Anyone else think comedy suits her?? :)

Courtesy of JFO
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:lol: OMG, awesome she was darling, and her accent so cute, Yes she does have a flair for comedy, the guy "To make a long story short" Jorja "You can do that now" what year was this, and what series?, and how come I've never heard of this? thank's for posting this! MissMurder
I've posted it on my previous post Desert it was shown during the 90s and was called Nineteen or 19. Not sure the exact variation :)

Hope that helps :bolian:

Someone else may be able to give more information than I can though
Desertwind, I think if you go back a couple of pages you'll find a post by me of the first clip if you haven't seen it. The man acting opposite Jorja had these two clips up on his personal webpage, and had uploaded them to youtube as well, that's where we found that. Unfortunately this series is so rare it's not even listed on IMDB.
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I've posted it on my previous post Desert it was shown during the 90s and was called Nineteen or 19. Not sure the exact variation :)

Hope that helps :bolian:

Someone else may be able to give more information than I can though

She has showed her dry-witted sarcastic humor numerous time on CSI, the "who's the punk-bitch now" and "Now I know why Doddles drank" and in 4x4 I think it was on her and Greg showering together, "I saw everything" and so many other quirky funny remarks so she does have a flair for this, maybe she will do a sit-com:thumbsup:
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I've posted it on my previous post Desert it was shown during the 90s and was called Nineteen or 19. Not sure the exact variation :)

Hope that helps :bolian:

Someone else may be able to give more information than I can though

Yes indeed, very cute, and here's a video, of her last B-day with all her cast mates, "We Miss You, Happy Birthday

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Here's a video of Jorja at the star-studded premier of "Minsky's", a burlesque musical in LA, a week or so ago. She can be seen and heard at the 40 second mark, along with many other starts giving their reviews.

Burlesque Beauty
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