Jorja Fox Still Not Used To Team-Split

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) recently sat down the Kiwi version of TV Guide to discuss the current season of CSI, predominantly the split of the Las Vegas crime lab's night shift.

The split, which took place in the episode "Mea Culpa", came at the wake of a mistake that ultimately damaged a murder investigation. As punishment, the team was split in two groups, with Grissom leading the night shift and Catherine the swing shift. Fox admitted it has been hard going to work and not being able to see her old friends. "I really miss working with Marg and Gary and George and it's strange when we pass each other in the hall and we hug because we don't get to see each other that much any more," the actress told the magazine.

But Fox also revealed there are some advantages to the team-split. While the actors get to enjoy more time off the cameras, the split has also given her a chance to get closer to colleague <font color=yellow>Eric Szmanda</font> (Greg Sanders). "There have been a lot of changes with splitting up the team and I've been thrilled that I get to work a lot more with Eric this season. Greg's enthusiasm for his job really makes everything new again for Sara because his character is now out in the field learning to use stupid little gadgets. So it's been fun for her to enjoy it and see it all through his eyes."

Fans wonder if the increased screen time the two characters have received will be conducive to a romantic relationship. While Fox admitted maybe Sara is looking at Greg with different eyes after his promotion, she made sure to give nothing away. "Well, we had a shower scene not long ago and that was pretty kinky, because we were both naked, but that's all I'm going to say about that," the actress teased.

While Sara and Greg may be growing closer, one giant question still remains: that of the "will they/won't they" relationship between Sara and her boss Gil Grissom. "I think Sara's heart is still broken over Grissom," the actress revealed. "It feels weird to talk about things through Sara's eyes but who knows what could happen with Greg as she moves on? I know that she's been taking some second and third glances at Greg this season because he looks good in a jumpsuit," she joked.

The full article can be found in the May 14-20 edition of the New Zealand TV Guide. Thanks to <font color=yellow>EnglishRose</font> at Your Tax Dollars at Work for the transcript.<center></center>
Yay, Sara/Greg is a neat combination (and I'm not usually one to choose ships)... anything to keep her away from Gris!! hahaha :devil:
Sorry Sillie, but I need her to take about 3 big steps away from Grissom for a while, lol
Posted by grisluv:
Sorry Sillie, but I need her to take about 3 big steps away from Grissom for a while, lol

Heh, that's fine by me. But pleasegodnotwithgreggyplease!!elevenhundred!1!

Something completely different... Although I don't really like Sara, <3 for Jorja. And I never realised the actors actually don't see each other that much also with the team split... *ponders*
I like Jorja Fox a lot, but I really really don't like Sara Suisidle :p and I really don't like all the GSR thingy but I don't like Sara/Greg, it's like she is perverting him (yes!, someone perverting Greggo!), and I thought that he looked good with Mia so, why don't TPTB put her with . . . I don't know, Ecklie or Hodges instead :lol: :lol: :lol:
OMG!!!, why is everybody throwing rocks at me!!!????, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't care for the freaking ships right now....Just want the damn team together.....arrrrggghhhh this is soo sad.
The best emsemble, and hardly get to see each other? painful is that?
They hug each other when they meet!!! Oh my goodness I almost cried reading that.

Gooddd lord pls get the team together for all I ask right now.*sobs*
Her choice of words is interesting:

"...who knows what could happen with Greg as she moves on?"

Moving on, as in she's getting over Grissom. I wonder if they've decided to drop the whole GSR thing altogether. After Committed, I wouldn't be surprised if they did.
Posted by midnight_tiptoes:
Her choice of words is interesting:

"...who knows what could happen with Greg as she moves on?"

Moving on, as in she's getting over Grissom. I wonder if they've decided to drop the whole GSR thing altogether. After Committed, I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

We can always hope. I think Sara and Greg would make a much more believable pairing.
I donno gizzi...I almost warmed up for Sara/Greg ship, but I'm backing out again. It just doesn't seem right.
Ofcourse I want Sara happy and I like Greg, but Sara involved romantically with Greg? Sounds forced and weakness of writers.
I've been watching all the episodes again, and they are just cute friends who like to joke with each other.
Greg doesn't know Sara.
Greg does make her happy, but he's never been around when Sara was sad and needed comfort. Sure Grissom is taking freaking lot of time to take his head out of microscope, but he's always been there when Sara needed him. I don't think Sara could ever share her deepest thought and darkest secret with Greg.
I know GSR has been stretched long for tv series and guess Jorja is tired of it as well, but if they go Saragreg route, the five years of GSR will not make any sense at all. Though I love GSR to death, I'm with Sara if she wants to move on...but with Greg?
Ok If tptbs just make it happen, it will be like a temporary attraction.
GSR is so powerful and deep.
I don't see that depth in SaraGreg interaction. It's light hearted, like Greg telling Sara jokes and then after it's over, she's back to her normal life.

Ok don't be mad at me Sara/Greg fans, but I'm still trying to warm up for it.
Sometimes I wish they bring another nice character for Sara who loves her, makes her happy and tries to understand her...just someone out of work.
wow...i didn`t know that the team split on the show..also affected them in REAL LIFE. that is...weird and sad! it's like.."awwwwwwwww" :(