TPTB are firing her because she wants a raise? Seriously, who's being childish here?
Jorja spends a lot of her money on charity and other stuff. I honestly don't see her as a Paris Hilton-type of actress, spending all her money on herself. And she (and George) are underpayed looking at the other actors of the show (WP, I can understand, makes the most mney because he is the star and a producer of the show. Also he is most recognized for his previous work.
Manhunter , anyone?

If TPTB are firng her because she wants more money, it is just pathetic. Childish. And if Sara dies in two weeks (for you who lives in the US. I am in Sweden where we have a half season to go

) and this is the reason, I think CSI may loose some ratings. But that is just me.
And contrary the Isaiah Washington-thing: What he did was a personal attack, on somebody he worked with! And he was also attacking a whole community. Jorja is simply asking for more money, and TPTB goes bonkers!
I understand, almost hoped for, that Shonda Rhimes and the GA crew would fire him. He made a fatal mistake that probably could haunt him for the rest of his career. Jorja is, again, asking for a raise and they threaten to kill her off. There is a big difference between expressing homophobia in public, and asking for a raise. How many of working people today asks for a raise and gets fired? Some, I know. But Jorja deserves a raise. She is starring in a hit TV-show and is one of the main charcthers, and she still is payed less than ome of them.
I know, some people do not like Sara or GSR, but being fired for asking for a raise? Just listen to it, it is childish and completely random to me. And it is a lame excuse for killing her off.
Some has expressed anger in Jorja not showing up for her dying scene. I can understand her. She does not want Sara to die. And WP has stated that he wants thm to leave together. and WP has signed on for S8. WPs words weighs more than Ausiello and other tabloids. I don't think he wants to kill Sara and the GSR-storyline. I certainly hope not.
As a conclusion, I do not think this rumor is entirely true. Go Jorja for standing up for yourself!

I hope we all one day will turn out to be like her. She is a great rolemodell. It is not she who is being childish, it is TPTB. And if Sara dies (

) I'll be happy to name a future daughter Sara or Jorja. :lol: