Jonathan Togo in a new web series!

Where do you get these caps? I think I would like some. Muhahaaa Photoshop here I come. Now I'm going to actually watch the fourth one...

EDIT: I thought that one was funny too, but number 3 was the best. :lol:
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:wtf: Talk about weird! That's only the fourth episode, are they running out of ideas already? But I like when the you-know-what shot the guy and Jon jumped up on the bench 'did you see that!' Hehe.

I just like it cause Jon is soo handsome.
For those of you that get Comedy Central, they are showing these vids on Atom tv. They already showed ep 1 on dec. 8th. I'm not sure when the next one will be shown or if it will. Since they are showing them and they seem to have done good on that site, it might mean there will be more "My Best friend is my penis" I'd like to see what happens to Jon when he gets caught for murder and ends up in prison, well him and his penis. I'm sure Will, will get him in lots of trouble behind bars!!!
Ahaha are they really? I can imagine my moms face if that came on the TV. She'd be like "Is that... RYAN?!" :wtf:
For those of you that get Comedy Central, they are showing these vids on Atom tv. They already showed ep 1 on dec. 8th. I'm not sure when the next one will be shown or if it will. Since they are showing them and they seem to have done good on that site, it might mean there will be more "My Best friend is my penis" I'd like to see what happens to Jon when he gets caught for murder and ends up in prison, well him and his penis. I'm sure Will, will get him in lots of trouble behind bars!!!

How cool. Unluckily in Poland Comedy Central still haven't it but maybe one day after five years of first transmission:lol: Anyway I'd like to see more from this series. At the beginning it was a bit strange but all in all it was really fun. I like this kind of wicked humour. And great is idea with jail, that thing would be really great.
This show is kinda weird, but I love it :lol:.

Jonathan is just fantastic :thumbsup: and the episodes are really good! LOL