JKladis Found In Carmine's Bushes!

Kimmychu said:
I want that parking sign. Honestly, I do. :lol:
Sorry, kimmy, I forgot to respond to that. I gave this particular sign to Top because she somehow managed to lose the one she had. :confused: However, the next time I'm in LA, I'd be happy to get another and send it to you. :D

For those in the LA area desiring an Eddie sign of their own, they can be found at Tom's Toys in Beverly Hills. Just so you know, they do not have Carmine's name. They don't have mine or Top's either, due to jacked up spellings on both our parts. :(

That was so much fun. I've only been home a couple days and miss Top, jkladis and all the fun new board friends I made already.

jkladis said:
Kimmychu, I must protest on the application of your avatar! Such fiction never happened to my man.
Poor delusional boy. I thought we discussed the meaning of the reserved parking and used condoms. :confused: He just doesn't love you. Sorry.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I gave this particular sign to Top because she somehow managed to lose the one she had. :confused: However, the next time I'm in LA, I'd be happy to get another and send it to you. :D

OK, Top lost the sign that we bought at the toy store in Beverly Hills? :confused: Is that the one she lost? :lol: How unfortunate, but at least you both found another one! I would hate for Eddie to have to 'park' elsewhere. ;)
^ Exactly. We cannot allow Eddie to park his "car" anywhere else then Carmine's "garage". Let's hope he has enough speed to last him a very, very long time :devil:.
Well done Mrs.G, you are lookin' hawt in those pics.
Glad to see you won and glad to see a hawt brunette with balls ... even jkladis's balls :lol:
That was so much fun. I've only been home a couple days and miss Top, jkladis and all the fun new board friends I made already.

Awww, we miss you too Mrs.G! CSINYRULZ went out saturday night and we said the same thing...we miss our new CSI NY Friends! You have to let us know when you are back in town!!! :D
jkladis, I really do want to support you in your obse- I mean, relationship with Carmine and all, but ... my icon says it all. :devil: :lol: Yes, that's what they've been doing all along. And out in public too!! You should be punishing Carmine for such indecent behavior!! :p

MrsG, that is so sweet! :D Too bad they don't have Carmine's name though ... I wonder why.
^I think he's in denial, Kimmy. He did spend the better part of the summer and fall in the man's bushes.

jorja_fan86 said:
^ Exactly. We cannot allow Eddie to park his "car" anywhere else then Carmine's "garage". Let's hope he has enough speed to last him a very, very long time :devil:.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Eddie who? :lol: Of course it's Cahill we claim is nailing our boy. Dontcha read the fan fic? In truth, they are not gay (that we know of). It's just the ultimate fangirl fantasy to watch our two NY hotties go at it. I suppose it's like the male fascination with lesbians. Many of us are inexplicably drawn to the Danny / Flack pairing.
Eddie does so little photoshoots. :(

I propose that Eddie should do one together with Carmine very, very soon! It'd be the perfect promotion for the show, and c'mooooon, you're a total liar if you say you're not interested in seeing the two of them in some sexy ... steamy ... moan-inducing ... photoshoot.

Clothes are optional, of course. :devil:
A Carmine and Eddie hawt sex photo shoot :devil: :eek:

I'm up for that :lol: :devil: :eek:

Ummm ... could we all fit inbetween them ???
:eek: :devil: :lol:
Glad to see that everything is restored in the Kingdom of Carmine! Glad also that the banana is up for sharing again!!