Jigsaw Went Too Far (Grissom/Sara)


CSI Level Two
I got this idea after watching Saw II, so yeah.

Rating: Umm. I'm not sure.. There are gore references and such.
Disclaimer: I don't own CSI, nor do I own The Saw Series' characters.

Chapter One.

Gil Grissom got out of the passenger seat of Jim Brass' police cruiser. He looked up at the seemingly abandoned building and sighed. The tin siding was chipping, and most of the doors to get inside were covered with wood boards. Gil looked at the other 7 cruisers that had come to the address. They were going to catch the guy this time.

Jim Brass got out of his cruiser, and hooked a walki-talki to his belt. He took out his gun and also looked up at the tall building.

"How many times have we been called out to this address?" Jim asked the grey-haired man standing beside him.

"Too many," Gil answered.

"Yeah, well, hopefully this time, we'll get the guy," Jim said as they waited for the other officers to get ready to go into the building. A few officers were already inside.

"Captain," A voice said coming over Jim's walki-talki.

He picked it up and answered, "Yeah?"

"He's not going anywhere, he's here," an officer said from inside the building.

"Is that all?"

"Well, one of ours is... dead. There's traps all over the place. Be careful," The officer advised.

"Thanks," Jim said simply and hooked the walki back to his belt.

Traps? Gil thought. This guy must be psychotic.

They entered the building.

The smell of iron greeted their noses. A lot of it. There was lots of blood, more than Grissom had ever smelled before. Their first step was cautious, and safe. An officer was in front, then Jim, then Gil, then another 2 officers behind. Everyone else was going in different ways.

Gil took in his surroundings immediately, there were stuffed dummys scattered everywhere, some were decapitated, and other gorey events that their killer had probably anticipated to do to someone else. There were gadgets everywhere, some had blood on them, others didn't. They were all used to torture people, that much, Grissom knew.

Jim pointed to a caged area at the far side of the room as they kept walking further inside. Gil looked and saw a body, with some sort of device around it's neck. The device was clearly what killed him, or her. There was too much blood to tell which gender it was. An officer took a few steps towards the cage, but Jim motioned him to stay with them.

"You don't want that to be you," Brass said as he pointed to the body inside the cage. The officer nodded, and Gil noted he was an ammateur.

They started to walk up some stairs, but the officer walking in front of them stopped.

"The next stair is going to give out if we step on it," he said. Gil leaned to one side to look at the stair, the officer was right. From what he could see, when you stepped on the stair, it would give out, as well as the next 4 stairs, dropping you into a pit of needles, very thick needles that would rip your skin from bone.

The five of them walked back down the stairs and looked around. Jim picked up his walki and spoke into it, "Are you guys upstairs?"

"Yeah, you have to walk all the way across the building if you came in the East entrance to get to the right stairs. All the others are traps," An officer replied. "The right ones are wood."

"Alright," Jim said and put his walki back on his belt. "We keep walking," He said to the group.

TBC ~ Trust me, there will be more suspence then that.
Oh, I saw Jigsaw in the title and the first thought that came across my mind was the saw movies. I love those. And I'm also a Grissom/Sara shipper so that caught my attention as well.

Anyways this is a very nice start and I can't wait to see where you go from here with this.
Hmmm, I'm not quite sure where this will head, and I just hope it doesn't go where I think it will. But continue soon!
Oh! Yay! Some people like my idea! : )

Chapter Two.

They kept walking until Grissom pointed to a staircase that was a few feet away. It was wooden, old, and looked like it was about to fall over, but this guy was all about illusions. It was still the right staircase.

Jim stopped them before they walked up it. "One of us goes up at a time," he ordered, "It might break if we all go up at once."

The others nodded, and the first officer walked up. "All clear," The officer's voice said, traveling to Jim's walki-talki.

Jim took a cautious first step, then felt safe enough to take another step, and another, until he was at the top and his figure disappeared to the upper floor. Another officer went up, then Grissom, and finally, the other officer.

They walked across the second floor, seeing more cages with various devices inside them. After walking for a while, they passed a cage that had a desk with computers on top of it, the screens were black and white and fuzzy so they couldn't make out what was on them. They decided to keep walking.

The five of them finally got to where the other officers and Jigsaw was. Jigsaw was the killer, and he was sitting behind a desk. This is our guy? Grissom asked himself, their killer was nearly 70 years old.

Sure, he could be the killer, but it seemed very unlikely. Jigsaw's mind was twisted, more than the average person, he liked killing people. He liked watching them die. He liked watching them being tortured. He liked watching them torture themselves to death. He liked watching them bleed, until they couldn't bleed anymore.

"How do we know this is our guy?" Jim asked the officers surrounding their killer.

"He admitted to it, and we found plans to kill others too," one officer answered. His voice was shaky.

Why would he admit to the murders? Gil asked himself.

For the first time since Grissom had got there, Jigsaw spoke, "Mr Grissom, I'd look on those moniters over there."

Gil followed Jigsaw's gaze to the computers they had passed earlier. They were in a cage, and Gil didn't trust this guy.

"Why?" Gil asked.

"It's for your own good," he answered.

"Is it a trap?" Gil asked him.

"No, that area isn't a trap."

Grissom looked over at the computers, but wasn't convinced.

"Fine, it's up to you, but once you see what's on them, you will wish you had looked at them earlier," Jigsaw said.

Grissom's mind was made up, he walked over to the cage that had the computers in it. He examined it from the outside, and it appeared to be safe.

Gil stepped inside, and nothing happened. He looked behind him, and everyone was looking at him.

He took another few steps, and looked on the screens.

One screen caught his eye.

A woman was tied up, with metal handcuffs. Spiked metal handcuffs, on her wrists and ankles.

"..Sara," Grissom whispered.
Ah, NO! No! I believe I'm just either A)at reading into plots and titles or B) have ESP. Continue! Excellent, update soon!
Chapter Three.

Sara eyes opened slowly. She was in a dark room, with a dim light above her. She didn't know where she was or why she was there, confusion overwhelmed her.

Sara tried to move, but couldn't. She felt a sharp metal going into her wrists as she tried to move her hands. She could feel the blood pouring out of the wound. The light was shining on her ankles, and she could see thick metal bracelets, with metal spikes inside them, if she moved her feet, her ankles would be in the same state as her wrists.

"Hello?" She said into the darkness.

Nothing answered her.

Then she realized why she was trapped.

Sara had been working on the case for a while, not since Jigsaw had first been killing, but after a few victims, more people were put on the case, including her and Grissom.

Tears came to her eyes. This guy wasn't afraid to kill people. She would be no different.

"Hello?" She asked again.

A spotlight was turned on and showed a radio in the distance. It turned on, and played a tape.

"Hello, Sara Sidle. You worked my case, and I know that you have no doubt who this is," his voice was dark and sent shivers down her spine. It was the same voice that they had found on the other tapes that were at the other crime scenes. "You are a victim, like the others, but your situation is different. Your life is in the hands of Gil Grissom. You don't get the choice to save yourself or not, he does. Other victims could put themselves through the pain, and still be able to see their life if they succeeded my challenge. You're different. You can't save yourself."

Sara shook her head, this must be a dream, it can't be real.

"In 3 long and painful hours, the walls around you will crush you, but that's not all."

What else could he do? Sara thought desperately.

"The walls around you, have spikes in them, much like the ones around your wrists and ankles, but there are more on the walls. Gil Grissom can choose to save you, or watch you die."

What? Sara thought.

"Yes, he's watching."

Sara looked around the room, but the walls were dark, and she couldn't see where any cameras were.

The radio turned off, and the spotlight faded.

And Sara was alone.
:O Wowzah! That's nuts! Crazy! Freaky! All in all, I give you an 9.5/10. (point taken away for using the last name. Jigsaw would say, "Hello, Sara. I want to play a game..")