It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

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A-Natalia Boa Vista (the DEFINATIVE answer, IMHO!)

B-Alexx, that DAYAM fine coroner!!!

New phrases for Wednesday:

Mac Taylor said "Only in New York can a weasily perv like Sid Hammerback get a date with __________!"

Catherine said "Sam Braun has had people hurt for stealing from his casino, counting cards, making passes at his showgirls and skipping out without paying their hotel bill. However, now he's gone too far! I heard that last week, he had someone hurt for messing up his _____________!"
Uh, which phrase are you responding to? These don't fit the one posted for Wed, Sept. 13th--though Braun might hurt someone for waking him up from a nap, I don't see Dr. Hammerback dating an omeltte!!!! :lol: :rolleyes:

DragonflyDreamer said:
A) omlette
B) sleeping (drool and all)
New phrases for Thursday:

David Phillips said, "A corpse was found at the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton. It appears he was killed by (a) ____________!"

Alexx Woods said "The other day, the body of Undercover Vice Detective Sonny Crockett was discovered in his speedboat! Right now, most of the undercover copes think _______________ killed him!"
A: Eating Live Gagh on the Prominade (Gagh are live worms eaten as an appetizer by Kligons!)

B: Elvis the Alligator (Crockett's pet on Miami Vice!)
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