Is the Old Danny Back?

They both should have psychological issues but in totally different ways. I really don't expect anything to be addressed, however, so I'll be pleasantly surprised if it is. Even if it's only one of the two characters who goes through something.

Would be nice, but then, this is not likely to happen. The people and lab, had a miraculous recovery over the hiatus, yet again. And if there was no consequence to what happened in SD in the first weeks, what are the odds of it now?
But, I wanna believe that the back and forth changes in Danny's mood are due to some storyline they have in mind for him. For now it feels nice having him back, joking one moment, snapping at someone next one.

It really does bother me that the let such golden opportunities slip by with regard to continuity. Those storylines aren't just good for one episode, they're good for whole character arcs. *sigh*

Oops, they did again?

I mean, Danny has been through a lot in the last few years--nearly losing Louie, Aiden dying, nearly losing Flack, and then being held would be understandable if he was near the breaking point psychologically. I think Carmine could knock the storyline out of the park, too.

Broken up Danny? Would be great for Carmine, especially since Danny breaking up and loosing it it’s loud and causes major impact. ( >> On the job)

All right, guys let's not get our hopes up too high. For TPTB to be that stellar with continuity is very unlikely. I really don't think it's anything intentional. Would be nice, but this show's let me down before.

True. We've seen it before.
I guess I doubt we'll see it for Danny or Adam, but I'm pretty sure we'd never see it for both. And I'll fully admit my bias: if we're only going to see it for one, I'd rather it be Danny. Carmine does Danny's breakdowns so well that I think it would be a great storyline for him to sink his teeth into. And the hostage situation is just one factor--Danny has also lost or nearly lost a bunch of people close to him in the last few years.

And I wonder if

the death of the neighbor kid will be what sends him over the edge. I could see that doing it, and it would be great material for Carmine to work with.
Oooh, that would be Emmy material as well! *claps*

I have to admit I feel a lot more hopeful than I did last year so I really hope TPTB won't disappoint me.
If TPTB would give him the right material, Carmine could definatly knock it out of the ballpark.

That episode's going to be awesome! Carmine will be amazing.

Unfortunatly, I just can't bring myself to believe that Danny's going to have a complete breakdown. I think the only place we'll see that is in fanfiction.
You're probably right, but Danny is such an emotional character that it's hard to say for sure. I doubt many male characters have broken down in tears the way Danny did at the end of RSRD. He's also teared up in at least two other eps, "On the Job" and "Heroes." Danny's about as emotional as they come, and he's about to have another traumatic experience.
Not just traumatic, but heartbreaking and guilt-ridden IMO. Whether we see something understated or full-out bawling, I think we'll all be sharing his pain on this one. :(
Even midnight said she might not make fun of him for crying over this latest trauma. :lol:

Any way you look at it, Danny has suffered a lot of loss over the past few seasons, and seen people he cared about put in terrible situations. Then he's been in a few himself--OtJ, Trapped, Snow Day. For someone as emotional as Danny, all of that is a lot to handle.
Top41 said:
Even midnight said she might not make fun of him for crying over this latest trauma. :lol:
Really?? She was probably just trying to make nice with you. I can't see her ever letting one of those golden opportunities pass her by.
Ohh Another Danny breakdown? Sounds interesting. I missed the last few. And I can't find the downloads for the epis anywhere :(
You guys were right. I talked to midnight today and she said she was going to laugh at him. Poor Danny. :(

Hannah, legal downloads of the eps are on iTunes. Otherwise, we don't discuss downloading here. :)

Danny's cried in "On the Job," "Heroes" and RSRD. That's actually more than anyone else has cried on the show by far. *hears midnight laughing off in the distance*