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Re: Introductions

Welcome Lea! :) I hope you like the board...

... I start to think people come here only for cookies :lol:

*passes some cookies to Lea*
Re: Introductions

Whoa whoa... hold up... SidLer you're 21???

Why did I always think you were 14 or something :confused:.

I love newbies. Good to know CSI isn't dying out. *stares at evil Ecklie*
Re: Introductions

Welcome to all the new people! :D *hands around some brownies*

And Roka - CSI will never die out :devil: (at least, not while I'm here :lol: ).
Re: Introductions

*takes brownies and runs*
Sorry... just forgot to take some when i was a newbie. Ah, the good old days...

*bows down to Wibble* I have faith in you, oh wise one. All we need is some fertilizer... Ecklie's head will be full in no time!

*punches self* I can be so rude.
Re: Introductions

Oh welcome Lea always nice to have more Brits on the board :D

*Notices the brownies and does a smash and grab*
Re: Introductions

abc said:
jorja_fan86 said:
I wanna give out a big welcome to all the newbies. *hands outs cookies*

They're not ordinary cookies anymore now tho, huh? They're all green! :lol:

:lol: My cookies aren't green...they're brown. They just taste better then the other ones :p. Hehehe anyhoo great to see more people joining the forums. How many members do we have anyway?
Re: Introductions

Roka4csi said:
Whoa whoa... hold up... SidLer you're 21???

Why did I always think you were 14 or something :confused:.
*Smacks Roka with a sea cucumber* :p
What makes you think I'm 14?! :confused: Do I act like a kiddo? Uhm, actually, I think I do! :D SOMETIMES! :lol:

Welcome Lea. :) Have a great time!
Re: Introductions

Sea cucumber? Ew lol. I remember I once stepped on one and... nevermind.

Anyways, welcome Lea ! Enjoy yourself, and remember: Always check the cookies before eating them.
Re: Introductions

SidLer!!!!! You have infected me with mildew. *huggles SidLer for being as mind-boggled as I*.
Well, I didn't ever imagine you being that old. Well, not that its old... but you know... wait. *thinks* I really thought you were 14!

I absolutely love newbies. Whether they come from the UK, US, or PF (don't know... it just sounds good). Keep the CSI pride alive. :)

Word of advice to Lea: Never eat green cookies. They have been infected with tree sap. Believe me.
Re: Introductions

lol! green cookies... thanks for the advice... it will be hard to errr resist them, but i think i'll manage... my life depends on it :cool:
Thanks for the welcome everyone :D all so friendly x
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