That was the most ridiculous load of crap. The team should NOT have been the ones investigating! It should have been an impartial team. And Brass...good lord...why?? A cop should be a good cop...ALL of the time, regardless. I'm really, really disappointed in him.
Yeah, I was really surprised at Brass considering he wasn't happy about Haskell being brought to Vegas originally to help with Jekyll.
Sara was just about the only one doing her job right tonight. Unfortunately, she was outnumbered and they're going to cover for Ray, a murderer. And for what??
Yeah, I was surprised Sara was the one questioning it all. I guess I can understand Greg though because he had to go through a trial about the death of one kid who was involved in several assaults and at least one death. So, I guess he felt like he could relate to Ray.
And oh gee....I'm going to be "haunted all summer" about what Ray will do. like I wasn't worried last summer about whether or not he'd live.
Yeah, I don't see anything haunting. I guess it was kind of freaky to see Ray actually stabbing Haskell multiple times and all of that... but really it wasn't much different than Hotch beating the ever living crap out of Foyet on Criminal Minds after Foyett had stabbed him repeatedly months earlier and then killed his ex wife and threatened his son.
So it looks like Season 12 will start off with more Haskell and Ray crap. Four seasons. Four f'n seasons tainted by that mess of a storyline.
Hopefully it'll just be in the season premiere and after that, nothing more will ever be said about it... except maybe by Gloria and Ray if they talk about it or whatever. But this is one storyline I don't care if we get continuity on or not. I just want it to be over and Ray to move on to other cases or whatever.
And the IA guy (Jay Karnes), he always seems to play a creepy, sleezy guy everywhere I see him. Guess that's why he's perfect for an IA guy.
Yeah, I've seen him somewhere recently, but can't figure out where. I wanna say In Plain Sight, but I"m not sure that's it lol.
And while Haskell may be dead, did I not hear him say something along the lines of leaving a piece of him with her? Or was I just hearing things?
I thought he just meant that he raped her. I hope he didn't impregnate her.
Ray gave Nate exactly what he wanted. Cuffing Haskell and then bringing him in would have meant Ray won.
Yep, exactly. Nate even kept saying, "yeah, keep it up, Ray" or something to that effect when Ray was stabbing him, "I knew you had it in you". You would think that would have made Ray stop. At first I thought maybe he just went over the cliff after realizing that Nate raped Gloria, which I would have understood to a point... but then Ray kept stabbing him and saying "you took my kidney, so I'll take yours" or something. It sounded like the classic "eye for an eye" thing. I mean yeah, Haskell deserved everything he got, but it was not the right way for Ray to handle it.
Next season is probably gonna be all about Ray questioning himself and whether the MAOMA gene (or whatever it is) finally kicked in.
Other thoughts on the episode:
Nick to Ray: I'd give you a hug right now, but unfortunately you're evidence. :adore: Nick's so sweet.
Loved Sara's emotional expression when she saw the closet Gloria had been held in. Really great acting from Jorja.
Loved Conrad helping the guys with the scene.
Ray was afraid to have a baby with Gloria because he was afraid of passing on the MAOMA gene (or whatever its called). Why didn't they just adopt?
One thing I'm wondering: Did Gloria witness Ray stabbing Haskell like that or was she so out of it that she didn't know what was going on?