Imaginary Friends


I ws having a conversation with friends today about imaginary friends we had when we were younger. So I thought I'd ask you what imaginary friends you had when you were younger what were they named, and what were they like.

I had two both of them when I was between the ages of 3 & 5.

The first one was named Boombobby (Boom Bobby) and I didn't remember what he was like.

The second one was Vat he was part human, part sheep, part dog, and a few other things which I don't remember. He wasn't as much a friend as a character who I created stories for.
I had an imaginary friend.. er.. dog I guess :lol: He was a dog/wolf named Balto :rolleyes: He would always run alongside the car whenever we'd travel. I'm sure that's some sort of animal cruelty :lol: but he was very fit!
I had an imaginary friend when I was like 4-6! Her name was Nicky! She'd play dolls, play on my swing set and hopscotch with me! Haha, her and I were exactly alike (because I created her to be that way :p) She was like, seriously, my best friend! :lol:
When I was about 4 I had a imaginary friend named Bo. We used to go outside and climb trees. Until one day, I told my dad that he ran over him in the car and I was actually sad. My dad actually dug a hole in the back yard and 'buried' him :lol:
I never really had one eitther. But from when i was 4 until when i was like 9 i had a little stuffed cat named boots and i like talked to her and i wastched tv and movies with hr. I did like everything with her. I was obsessed. Until i lost her, then i cryed for like ever.
My daughter has an imaginary horse called Alex.
He goes everywhere we go. She talks to him and pretends he's a real horse. I think it's cute and research has shown that imaginary friends/pets/objects are healthy for a child's imagination and creativity.
^That's good to know! My brother (11) has some toy cars and action men, etc, and he goes into this fantasy land with them. Bit immature for his age, we know. :lol:
I had an imaginary friend when I was like 4..she was called...*blushes* "wigwa"...I know that's not even a name but I guess I was only 4 - a pretty strange 4 year old!
I had two. I don't even now how to spell their names but they were.... Tookie and Bubums :lol: They went everywhere with me. My parents would have to buckle them up in the car, too. :p One time I was in Sears with my mom and I ran off somewhere and she thought I got kidnapped. She told people working at the stores and they had people searching everywhere for me. My mom finally found me and asked why I left alone and I said I wasn't alone, Tookie and Bubums were with me. :lol: My mom cried all the way home. :eek: Poor mommy.
I read that imaginary friends are most common when you're an only child, and that is normal.

I had one, her name was Teresa, but she was small, and was always dressed in white, she had dark skin and dark curly hair :lol:, she was wherever I was, we showered together, eat together, play together etc. my mom knew about her and I used to warn her about not sitting on her or something :lol:. She just dissapeared as the years went by :p

Mine thankfully disappeared as the years (hopefully just months) went by...sadly though my mother has never left me forget about it...and at all family mothers do...the embarrassing stories come back...especially this one :rolleyes: lol
Oh I had plenty...tho I never introduced those to my family. I still talk to myself a lot.

There was actually a programme on tv a few days ago about imaginary friends that children have and how parents should react when there's someone who they cannot see.
Oh I had another imaginary friend to. Ever see the movie, Drop Dead Fred? Well after I saw that movie, well he became my friend.