If You Were A CSI, What Would You Have "Issues" With?

Ew, the ants, ergh, I cant stand them, I cant even stand watching or talking about them!
Also, anything like in Vegas Pirates of the 3rd Reich I cant stand people being derogative towards women, coloured people, children, homosexuals, theres just no need for it, we're all the same.

It's funny I was just talking to my mom about this not too long ago--she's a lab tech in a hospital and she's the one that got me hooked on CSI. I think I'd have problem with human waste and stomach contents and floating bloaters, probably burn victims would get to me too. I'm not good with horror movies, so large amounts of blood would likely bother me. I would NOT make a very good CSI.
Like others have said, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the smell.

Children cases definitely make me emotional. Whenever I've watched a CSI with children's parents' dead, etc, my heart breaks.

At school not very long ago, a boy hurt his head and there was blood trailing everywhere on the floor. Just seeing it made me shiver, but I think I will be able to handle it when I become a Forensic Scientist. :D
I think I would have a problem with saliva, huge amounts of blood, and the first few autopsies. If I see tons of blood I feel really light headed. Not fun! :p
I'd have major problems with vomit, feces, and anything that smells sick! Blood, I'd be okay with. Decomposing corpses would be an issue. Bugs a little bit. Spiders...well just as long as I can step on them. Sorry thats more of a phobia.

Another issue, not majorly gross thing, but the cruelty that other people do to other humans and child abuse cases.
I think I could take about everything, except the bugs (though I don't think maggots would gross me out) and when there's a lot of blood...
Snickers said:
i'd have problems with cases involving people mistreating children or worse. and also rape cases.

as for my issues, rats, and probably the decomp smell, that's probably kill me :lol:

yup.. same here!!
if children are mistreated.. :( i mean not only children.. even women.. and men. okay, no one has the right to mistreat anyone_ :mad:
but its always the hardest if the cases involve children..
especially little ones!!

i'd probably have the biggest problem wth rats too..
and the smell.. but i dont have any problem with blood or opening up dead bodies.. just the smell.

and maybe threats.. if there are some!! hehehe.. :p
do csis get threats at all?? death threat maybe.. :confused:
Anything to do with children or animals being abused, or women being raped, I'd have a problem with. I'm quite a sensitive when it comes to people or creatures being hurt maliciously. I agree with luvinsci, they are ususally some of the more emotional and tougher cases. *thinks back to Miami S1, 'Broken'* Monsters... And the smell of corpses... but that's a given... :p I'd just breathe through my nose... but you'd have to revive me after watching my first autopsy... :lol:

If I had to analyse body fluids, I'd be a bit freaked out, but DNA is DNA... I try to see it that way... ;)
now, it's hard to say with what i might have problems..for sure-odours. but others? i can't tell now. if i see a dead body or something like that i'll tell if i was sick or felt strange. it all depends on people.
I agree with luvinsci, they are ususally some of the more emotional and tougher cases.

im glad to hear someone agrees with me..

i just remembered..
a csi episode where some sort of 'dead body juice' splashed on greg's face and some in his mouth..
eeww.. now that was disgusting!!
ill definitely have issues with things like that..
Okay I have found this thread an interesting read ;) :D

Now you might think I'm weird.... but nothing about death/crime/whatever freaks me out. Only the idea of huge meteors crashing into earth and killing us all. :lol:

The thing is, I'm not a very emotionally sensetive person.... growing up in a house with five males and their constant sexist and (sometimes) racist comments, I'e tuned myself out and have become a little like Calleigh is - almost impenetrable....
The death, blood (unless it's mine), violence, they don't bother me all that much. What bothers me is fire. I watched a neighbors house burn to the ground and re-light after the fire department left when I was about 4 years old. So fire has always affected me. Guess you could say that I wouldn't be much good on an arson case.

I'd have a problem with bugs..Ugh!! They're dusgusting!! When I just see one of those bugs... *shiver*

But I don't know if I would have an "issue" with blood or the other stuff. I have never seen a dead body or much blood but I wish I could see one because I want to know if I have the strength to.