If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

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If Grissom leaves the show after 2007 I won't be watching it any more. There is no one that can take his place no matter who they hire. He is what holds the program and the characters together. Do whatever has to be done to keep him there. It will go off the air if he leaves. There is no better program on the whole of TV.

~Edited: To add "If" to the title, and to remove the caps.~

I respect your opinion, goggie704, and you have a right to express it. There is a forum devoted entirely to the Vegas version CSI, and that's a good place to voice your opinion on this matter. I'm going to move this thread over to the other forum now, and the moderators there can decide whether or not to lock it. :)

I will boycott the series if Gris is no longer on the show.

While I agree that the Grissom character is an integral part of CSI:LV, and I will sorely miss him if Billy Petersen does decide to leave after season 7, I think I will probably still watch it, just to see what the writers do with what they have left. I well remember the entire "Mulder is gone, we hate Doggett" spectacle that happened with The X-Files, and I am curious to see if the phenomenon will take place again if they "replace" Grissom with a new 3rd shift supervisor. If it really sucks without Grissom, then I will consider not watching, but I think I will reserve judgement until I see it. (Of course, I still want to see my CSI: Hooterville spinoff :devil:)

-Or at least an episode with Judge Joe Brown presiding.

This thread title is pretty misleading, can it be changed somehow?
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

Fabian said:
This thread title is pretty misleading, can it be changed somehow?
Yep and its been done. :) Also if a search is done there should already be a thread about this on one of these pages. Just for those who didn't know. ;)
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I don't think they would hire someone else to replace Billy if he leaves (God forbid). They would probably write him out like they did with Tim Speedle on CSI:Miami.

I would be very disappointed if Billy left the show, Grissom is one of the main reasons why I tune in each week.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

i know we all have our favourites, but for me at least, i dont think one particular character makes the show. yes, im partial to nick, but that doesnt mean i enjoy episode any less if he isnt in them. a good episode is a good episode. if the writers can keep it up i can see the show going at least 10 seasons, with or without grissom. look at gum drops, probably the best episode of the season. the rest of the cast proved they could hold their own without grissom. it was good writing and good acting by all.
if billy peterson is indeed ready to move on, it will be sad but the show can go on. just as long as the writers dont wuss out and kill grissom, or have him fired for anything. that wouldnt be right for the character weve all come to love over the years. if he quits, or retires, or takes a leave of absence then that leaves the doors open for his return at any point. personally, if he leaves best of luck to him, ill continue to watch the show, but at the point when it is time for the series to end i would like grissom to return for at least the last couple of episodes.
i think its really extreme of people to say they wont watch, or that the ratings will sink if grissom is no longer on. its still a year away, if he even does go. give the writers some credit, although there have been some slips recently they do know what theyre doing.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I don't think they would hire someone to replace him. The natural thing to do would be to make Catherine supervisor. I agree that in general, most people would think the show would fail if Billy leaves and the ratings probably will go down but personally, if/when he leaves, for me it doesn't signal the end of CSI. Sure it'll be different but there's more than enough talent in the rest of the cast to hold the show together and you never know, change might not necessary be a bad thing.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

If Grissom leaves I'll have to go to rehab :D

Diagnosis: patient GF suffering from Grissom withdrawal :lol: :lol:
1-800-ADDICTED-TO-GRISSOM, here I come!

No, but seriously. IF he leaves ... maaan, not sure what I'm gonna do :(
I like the show very much, don't get me wrong but without him? Pfffff :rolleyes:
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

No, I won't stop watching.. my favorite character is definately Sara Sidle.. and I don't like Grissom that much.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

I think I would continue to watch the show. As stated above, there is plenty of talent among the other actors to keep the show going. It would be a great opportunity for some of the others to step up and show what they can do. The writers wouldn't kill him off, I don't think; he's to interesting a character. I mean, if/when he leaves, Grisson did say that he would just be gone. No cake in the breakroom. There's still so much that can be done and I would like to think that diehard fans would hang in there to see what the changes would bring.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

GrissomFREAK said:
If Grissom leaves I'll have to go to rehab :D

Diagnosis: patient GF suffering from Grissom withdrawal :lol: :lol:
1-800-ADDICTED-TO-GRISSOM, here I come!

No, but seriously. IF he leaves ... maaan, not sure what I'm gonna do :(
I like the show very much, don't get me wrong but without him? Pfffff :rolleyes:

And I'll join you lol. It wouldn't be as harsh as Mac withdrawl but hard enough....I need my GSR lol And my Grissom.
Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007

csi without grissom?? I dont think so ...
Its the soul of the show!!
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