Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Hey there peoples! *waves*

Okie Dokie sorry it took me so long to post the next challange but I couldn't decide what episode to do. I wanted to continue for with the Season Premiere theme Geni and I had going but I realized I didn't have very good Blood Brother caps and I had just watched all of Season 2 this weekend and was on Speed over load so I didn't want to do Lost Son and we had already done the other premiere's soooooo I decided to go with Season 5 Episode 'If Looks Could Kill'.

The piccies I'm going to post won't have spoilers in them so people who haven't seen this episode yet won't have to worry about that.

All of the Rules are the same as the previous challanges but just in case there are people joining for the first time this challange I will re post them.


1. All icons must be 100 x 100
2. Do NOT post your icons here
3. Do NOT vote for yourself...its just lame if you do.
4. You are allowed to enter 1 to 3 icons
5. Send all icons to either my self Speedmonkey2 or you can send them to my partner in crime Speed_cochrane. No I kid Geni were not partners in crime *looks around suspciously.

Um....lets see what else am I forgetting....

Remember to be creative with your icons. Creativity is a good thing.

I'll stop taking entries this friday evening.

And I think thats about it so here are the piccies you have to choose from.


All caps provided by: HERE

Okie Dokie everyone. I hope you like the piccies and I hope you have fun!
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

WOW! :eek: Lovely choice of caps, my lovely partner in crime. :p ;)

I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Awww no Horatio... :( Oh well, still great caps!! Can't wait to get started... :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

this is completely off topic but it had to be said, sherlockanne, i absolutely love your banner.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Oh thanks so much fo_poozle!! Greg really is a hero. :) Actually what inspired me was this AWESOME music video on YouTube, you should definitely check it out! Btw I'd compliment your banner but you don't have one LOL, but I love your icon! :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

your very welcome, and thanks for the link i'll check it out. ahah thanks rory is a pimp for sho ;)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!


Can't wait for more people to entre this challenge! It's going to be a blast. :D And I really like the whole 'Natalia/Eric' theme you have going with the 'If Looks Could Kill' episode, Katie. There seem to be a lot of caps for them. :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Actually I wasn't going for a Eric/Vista theme, Geni. What I did was when I went to go make my own icons from that episode i written down what they were saved as and then when i went to go up load the pics for the challenge i just pinched in some of the saved codes and those are the pictures that came up. And there was Alexx to *stomps foot* lol.

Ok yeah I don't think any of that made sense.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

speedmonkey2 said
Actually I wasn't going for a Eric/Vista theme, Geni.

Pfft fine, bust my bubble. :lol: :p And it made sense! But hey, you're right there is Alexx in there and I think there was one Calleigh too? Yeah.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Oohh, goodie! A new challenge to practice with :D hopefully I can try and get one or two icons in this time :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

fo_poozle said:
icons are due friday right?

Yes, Icons are do friday.

Sorry to bust your bubble. And yes there was one Calleigh and a Tripp piccie in there to. lol.

Wibble I hope you get around to making some. I'd love for people to participate.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Finally sent mine in... Good luck everyone! Can't wait to see all the icons! :)
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