Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

congrats winners...*claps*.....ADZIX, I really liked your superdave icon...great job as usual!
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

Wow! I von first place!
Thanks to everyone that voted for my icons!
Congrats to all other winners! Good job!
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

Well done guys. :D
Choco, you told me your icons sucked. See they didn't? Shut your cake hole. :p *throws toy mustang car at choco for the 50th time* :rolleyes:
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

Congrats everyone! Very well done, and awesome entries :)

Lil, big yay for graduating! *hugs*
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

Wow, I've never won a third place before :p Thanks for the votes and congrats to the other winners! :)
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

2nd and 3rd place...wow...wasnt expecting that. Guess this means I have to move up to advanced now huh?
Congratz other winners...and adz i totally knew that was yours. :p

chocolate_bunnys, I thought that dictionary idea was awesome!
Thanks that was a last minute idea, i had 30 mins to turn in my icons and my background looked bland sooo i figured it would be a good idea.:rolleyes:
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

Alright, sorry for the wait! :) Read EVERYTHING before you start your icons.

Icon Challenge- RESTRICTIONS

Don't get scared (okay, do get scared, because this is pretty scary) For any of you who have participated in Ann's LIMS challenge, you know that she sets restrictions on the challenges. This challenge is like that- but you can use ANY picture from any (or all) of the three CSIs. There is, of course, a restriction. (Duh...)



Sorry guys. I got this idea from Chloe (not to send an angry mob after poor Chloe) and I think it's just genius. It challenges you all while allowing you to use any picture you choose to. I can't wait to see what you come up with. :)


1. You may enter up to 3 icons.
2. There are two categories to this challenge - Beginner and Advanced. Please refer to these helpful guidelines if you need help determining what category to enter. Guys, be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to advanced; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in advanced. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.
3. Please size all icons to 100x100 pixels. I don't really feel like re-sizing any icons, but I don't anticipate any problems with this. You all know how to size an icon.
4. Please PM your entry to me, cainesugar, by Thursday, July 5th, by 10am Pacific time (8 hours behind GMT, sorry but I'm all alone here in LA :lol:)
5. No vulgar words or phrases allowed.
6. Don't go running around posting your icons elsewhere, it's not cool. You don't want to win because your friends voted for you, you want to win because you deserved it.
7. No animations allowed.

I didn't have much trouble with the SBC, but just to make it VERY clear- PM's like this.


Subject: Icon Challenge: Beginners (or advanced if you're advanced)

Body: Images, urls. (If you can't send images, just the urls are fine)

PLEASE do this, as it makes it easier on me, and voting will get up faster. Thanks guys. I eagerly await your entries, good luck! :D
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

...Why did i choose THIS challenge to move up to advanced?

OK quick question(again);
In my program(and presumably all of them)if you are if you are adjusting something(such as curves, brightness/contrast) you can either do it as an adjustment layer or adjust straight to the image. So basically the effect would come out the same with the exception of the opacity/layer settings. So my question is which ones are restricted?
I hope I explained this correctly and I hope the answer isnt overly obvious.

Other than that Im in.
Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Anger

I completely understand your question, don't worry about it. ;) Hm, well it comes out the same (as I know, I've done it) so just do it straight to the image. That's the challenge. (And you'll do fine in advanced, the advanced people can't use layers either) :p Thanks, good luck!
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