Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

Oh Chole, I'm so glad you agreed to do this, and I love the new theme! :lol: I've even got a good picture in mind, that I've just been waiting for an excuse to use.
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

it really sounds like fun. great theme Chloe. if i find the time i think i'll send you some icons ;)
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

I will most likely enter when I am able to make an icon or 2 when I am not working.
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

Wow, an awesome response so far! I can't wait to see all of your work. If anyone has trouble finding screencaps to use, let me know. I might be able to dig up a few, although they'll probably all be from the Las Vegas show since I don't follow Miami or NY too closely. Good luck everybody, and go poke your friends to come enter!

I may be biting off more than I can chew, but if y'all want Beginner/Advanced categories...we might be able to try that out. ;)
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

Oh, I like the theme choice. And with the long deadline I'll hopefully get time to enter some. :D

Good luck with running it Chloe, not that you'll need it of course. :) Two categories could work, I don't mind either way, but if I were you I'd decide soon or you'll need to go back to everyone who enters and ask them which category they want to be in, can lead to confusion (or is that just me?). ;)
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

Okay, Elsie's right. I need to decide now...

UPDATE TO RULES: In the subject line of your PM, tell me whether you'd prefer to enter Beginner or Advanced. (It bugs me if you only put it in the actual PM and makes it tougher for me to narrow down who the winning banner may belong to)

Okay, I'm done. :) I've PM'd cinegirl to ask her to pull up the guidelines to deciding whether you belong in Beginner or Advanced, and I'll post the link as soon as she can do that. ;) (Thanks in advance, Vera! :D)
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

I'm back from work and I made the guidelines sticky again, so you can find it easier ;)

Just in case - here's the link:

Advanced/Beginners Guidelines

OK, that's for now, I'm off for getting some sleep - I need to be awake tomorrow to find some Easter Eggs! :D
Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up!

Thanks, Vera. You are without a doubt the coolest mod in the world. ;) Sleep well!
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