Icon Challenge-#82-A Bugs Life-Up!

Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Voting






Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Voting

Thanks for all the votes so far! I am going to close voting tomorrow Friday, February 5th at 6pm EST. If you haven't voted yet please make sure to get your votes in! Thanks! :)
Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Voting

Voting is closed, sorry been busy! Should have the results up tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Voting

And now.....your winners!

Sorry for the delay (sick kids, class, etc.) but here are the winners for Misc. Icon Challenge #60-The Bourne Series

Thank you to all who entered (a great response!) and to all who voted. This was a lot of fun!

1st Place-

2nd Place-
3rd Place-

:thumbsup: Great job Hannah06_95!

1st Place-
2nd Place-

3rd Place-
4th Place-

1st Place-
2nd Place-

I'll probably post the next challenge this weekend or early this week. I have some ideas but if anyone has any suggestions or something they would like to see as a Misc. icon challenge please PM me!
Last edited:
Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Winners Up

Cool. 3rd and 1st :)

Thanks for all the votes everyone and congrats to all other winners.
Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Winners Up

FallenForFlack the first icon isn't mine! Thanks for the other placings though guys! Congrats to the other winners!
Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Winners Up

:hugegrin: First Place? Didn't expect that having only seen the original version (of the first movie). Thanks for the votes and congrats to the other winners. :)

Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Voting

Wow... :eek: Thanks for the both 2nd places !!!

Congrats too all the other winners here !
Can't wait to see the next challenge theme !!!
Re: Icon Challenge #60 - The Bourne Series-Winners Up

I've never seen any of the movies either, but thought I'd give it a shot. :) Thanks for the 4th place!
Re: Icon Challenge #61 - The Bourne Series-Winners Up

Time for another Misc Icon Challenge! I hope you are ready and many of you participate like that last time! :)

This time we'll be doing The Vampire Diaries which are on CW on Thursday night's at 8pm. (on hiatus for a bit now)

Here are the RULES – please read them carefully before creating your icon and entering it:

[1] You can enter up to 4 icons = 3 100 x100 icons + 1 icon in the size 140x140. PLEASE NOTE - if you are going to make more than 1 icon, please use a different image for each one.

[2] You have until 5 p.m. EST on Friday, March 5th to complete your icon and submit it. If you need more time, please let me know. PM your entries to me FallenForFlack

[3] Your icons must be 100x100 or 140x140 pixels in size – if it is any bigger, it will be re-sized, and those never look so good. So please make sure to make your icon so it is those particular sizes. ***this is important

[4] No vulgar words or phrases in the icons. If there is something in them that can be considered offensive, your icon will not be accepted.

[5] You may use any caps you like but feel free to use the ones provided.

[6] No animated icons.

[7] We're going to try categories for this challenge cause this is much more better and fair on everyone. There are THREE categories to this challenge - Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (If entering in Intermediate level, please include a second level -either Beginner and Advanced- incase there isn't enough entries for 3 levels) Please go the Fan Art Forum if you need help determining what category to enter. Please be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to intermediate; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in intermediate and so on. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.

[8] Most importantly, as this is an anonymous challenge, YOU MUST NOT POST YOUR ICONS HERE (or anywhere else). If you do, you will be disqualified. This is make sure that the voting is unbiased, and so everyone has a fair chance of winning a banner.


Subject: Misc: IC #61 - The Vampire Diaries : Beginners (or intermediate/advanced)
Body: Images, URLs. (would really prefer both) **please DO NOT delete or move your pics in your photobucket account till voting/results are up!!!

Here is a link with tons of caps (feel free to use any others too but please no promo pics!):

The Vampire Diaries Caps

Any questions, please feel free to post them here, or PM me FallenForFlack
IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE AND CAN NOT PM. Could you please email me your entries at purpledreamer @ comcast.net please enter in subject that you are from talkCSI.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - Have fun and be creative!!

BEGINNERS AND NEWBIES ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO ENTER! This is a great way to show off your skills and have some fun also you get a pretty banner at the end.
Re: Icon Challenge #61- The Vampire Diaries-Now Open

Sorry about messing up the name of the challenge Kristine :D thanks for letting me know I boo booed :)

Go Canada Go