Re: Icon Challenge #36 - *Torchwood* - VOTING UP
Alright since I have RL commitments and I'll be away for the next 2/3 days I want to put results up as the votes stand!
Okay here we go:
Okay results are in!
First Place, with 8 votes and 16 points:
Second Place, tie! both with 6 votes and 11 points:
speedcochrane dongpeiyen1000
Third Place, with 3 votes and 6 points:
Challenge Runners Favourite:
Awesome job Kat! Everything about the icon is fantastic!

It may have struck you I also
added the number of points an icon got. This is how I count the points:
- taking the example I gave when putting up the entries -
33 gets three points, 23 gets 2 points and 12 gets one point. In the end I count all the points and the one with the most points is the winner!
Congrats to all the winners!! Fantastic work by all *claps*
Wanna a win banner please PM and I'll get those to you ASAP!
The next challenge will be up later on today, I know this is fast but if I don't put it up now, I don't know when I'll be able to!