Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - WINNERS UP!

Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

And the winners are

FIRST PLACE: 26. quoth_the_raven


THIRD PLACE: 15. Elsie

Congratulations to the winners! If you wish the receive a banner from this challenge, please PM wibble
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Congrats, quoth and Elsie! :D You two did a really wonderful job. :)
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Congrats quoth and Elsie! Great work :)
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Congrats Ann and Laura! (may I call you that?) Great job everyone, this was a fun challenge to participate in! :D
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

cainesugar said:
Congrats Ann and Laura! (may I call you that?)
Yes, of course you may. :)

Thanks everyone! And congratulations Ann, yours is awesome. :)
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Congrats to the winners. Awesome icons !
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Wow, thanks so much everyone! And congrats to Laura as well, awesome job! :D

You can call me whatever you'd like, cainesugar :D (except "Annie".. that drive me nuts :rolleyes: :lol:) ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Congratulations Annie,erm,I mean Ann :p and double congratulations to Laura!!! :)
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

congratz quoth_the_raven and Elsie your icons were gorgeous!
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Congrats to quoth and Elsie! Great icons, you two. And everyone else too!

I don't know who Jensen Ackles is, but he's a hottie.
Re: Icon Challenge #20: Jensen Ackles - VOTING OPEN!

Hey,just a suggestion,how about if the winner of the challenge chooses the subject of the next one,and maybe provides the caps,as a kind of prize?