Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - Dana Scully - WINNERS UP!

Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

Well done winners :D great Icons everyone.
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

JayneEmilysRealm said:
And I want to know: who made Nr. 15?? I love that one really :)

I made that *blush* Thanks.

Congratulations to the winners! :D
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

Omg yay! SECOND PLACE! WHOO! ..*ahems*

Congrats other people and very good batch this time! :D
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

Congrats everyone!

:lol: And both art mods in 3rd! What a coincidence.
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

tuesdaymorning said:
cofi, we are so married.

Congrats to the other winners. ;)
I really had to double check the votes becaues I couldn't believe :p

So I guess it's official now?
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

Totally. I've got the ring and it's huge and beautiful. The ones you get at the Dollar Store are just amazing.

Thatwassuchahardpic. :lol: I had no idea what to do with it. *cries*
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

Honey, that ring didn't come from a Dollar Store. I spent a horrendous amount of money on that one so don't you ever... ever... !!!

*cough* Anyways, mah lovely wife and I won! Nights spent discussing icon making techniques was worth it. :lol:

Congratulations to all the winners. ;)
Re: Icon Challenge #2: The X Files - - Dana Scully

Congratulations winners. :) And to everyone else, great work. :D