Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith- WINNERS UP!

Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I'm with Astrid , mine are looking poo too.... :lol:

Oh well, I have Friday afternoon off work and have to stay at home for the British Gas man to fix my boiler. I can spend all afternoon playing with my icons and hope to submit two! I loved the last challenge, I was worried I would be too embarrassed to submit mine, but the beginners level makes it so much easier. :D
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I'm in for sure...submitted my icons but I think mine I even pooier so I'm with Ducky in treating this as a practise, practise run :p you never know
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I'd put icons to challenge but I happen to run the challenge so erm... would be strange. :p

So don't be shy *waves chocolate in the air*

(...thought it was right now with all the pootalk)
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

*follows chocolate*

Will enter asap...just need to make something less rubbish! hahaha
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I'm going to enter, I just need to figure out which ones. I've got it narrowed down to six.
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

*raises hand* Oh oh oh! I'm in. I've never done a challenge in the misc. part of the boared before and I've never watched Grey's Anatomy but hey it could be fun! *runs to make icons*
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I'm in! I've actually sent them in a day early. *panics, should have kept trying tonight, what if they aren't any good..?* :)

It was fun, and I'm fairly happy with my efforts. She's actually a pretty lady. :p
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

ZOMG, tomorrow is the deadline *opens Photoshop* *creates the icon* *PMs it to the skate-master*
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I just PMed my icon to the skate/duck master! :D
Fifty-fifty, wibbs :)
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

Aw man, I'm back but not in enough time to make an icon, I don't think. I'll make sure to vote, and I'll go for the next comp. Good luck to all entrants!
Re: Icon Challenge #12: Grey's Anatomy - Meredith

I seriously think WWB's dream was really traumatic :lol: