"I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

Alright, I hope someone can help me with this one. Inside the lab, just how many different labs are there? I know they have DNA, audio and visual. Are there any others?
evandellg would like to know:

does anyone know the CSI episode that has to do with date rape? i need to know which CSI it was in, episdoe and season. I need to know it for a school rproject pronto! thanks
Inside the lab, just how many different labs are there? I know they have DNA, audio and visual. Are there any others?
I think there's also a fingerprint, trace, and ballistics lab.
There's also possibly QD (questioinable documents) and Tox (toxicology).
allmaple said:
evandellg would like to know:

does anyone know the CSI episode that has to do with date rape? i need to know which CSI it was in, episdoe and season. I need to know it for a school rproject pronto! thanks

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
6x17 "I like to Watch"

Deals with a case about a woman who was date raped, by a perpetrator that "dressed up" as a Fireman.

Hope that helps, I can't think off the top of my head if there was another episode dealing with Date Rape.
i think the NY music is so good compared to the others and fits so well with the NY backdrop. Aparently there is a CSI LV album, does anyone know if its any good??

PS ALLstar i love your signature pic!
I don't know, but maybe you should ask that in the music thread in the board. They might give you a better idea about this. Hope that helped in any way.
Does anyone know why the girl who played Lindsey Willows was replaced? For seasons it was the same blond girl and all of a sudden, in 7x2 (Built to Kill) it was a different girl..

Shame.. I liked the first one :)
I can't answer your question, SaraSidle_girl. Maybe another member will. But you might like to know that there have been 2 Ellie Brass, 2 Raymond Caine Sr, and 3 Raymond Caine Jr.