I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe I can come to Antwerp after all :D :D (if there are any people from Belgium here, can you tell me when CSI is on, which canal and what time, in Belgium? :p)

I can't believe my sister called me again, for the first time since a month! :D

I can't believe I will take my homework with me to Antwerp :p
I can't believe I said "Banana chip chocolate cookies"
I can't believe it took me three times to correctly spell banana
I can't believe what a bitch I was to levon today, I was soo pissed for no reason
MissRoosFox said:
I can't believe I almost cut my finger off, and no, I am not making things worse! It really hurts, gotta hate cheese slicers at work.
Aww *hugs* Roos. :(

I can't believe how much I stuff I did today. I 've had a really productive day. :eek:

I can't believe my mum made a curry for dinner that was so spicy no one could eat it. :lol:
*huggles Tink back* thanksy. It's better now, because it got time to heal.

I can't believe my holiday is almost over and I haven't done anything about my schoolwork. I will, in the train tomorrow.
I can't believe weekend has started already!
I can't believe I'm already thinking of what to wear to Casino Night at work tomorrow.. while there's really no one to impress :rolleyes:
I can't believe I pulled a knee-muscle.
I can't believe my pupils didn't believe me that I pulled a muscle.. they thought it was just an excuse for not to participate in the dancing-workshop.. ok, so I was hopscotching down the corridor with the kids, but still.. it's true!!
I can't believe my friend's sister is 6 months pregnant and her boyfriend left her :mad:
I can't believe I ahve soo much bleeding homework, given to em by my dumbass of a teacher who doesn't know how to teach someone to lift a fork to their mouth.

I can't believe I'm actually bothering with said homework.

I can't believe my cellphone died on me AGAIN today!

I can't believe it's nearly the weekend!!!! Friends, friends and more friends.

I can't believe how cool this song is. (The Academy Is- true Believers and Skeptics)
I can't believe all the hassle I had trying to pay some money into my mum’s bank. After queuing for ages, they told me the bank book was damaged and wouldn't give it back to me because I wasn't my mum. :eek:
I can't believe that I have not been around for a couple of days because of some stupid internet stuff...
I can't believe how long it seemed.
I can't believe I have a Science test tomorrow and that I have not studied as i should have.
I can't believe I can be here again...*does happy dance*
I can't believe how much it snowed last night :eek:
I can't believe it's still snowing!
I can't believe I argued with my taxi driver, and ended up not having it pay :D
I can't believe they scheduled me to work yesterday, but didn't tell me, so I ended up missing the shift!
I can't believe I'm wearing a tie and a polo shirt :p

I can't believe that my fingers are still blue from food coloring that I spilt on them this morning.

Ican't believe a riot broke out in class today
I can't believe i entered in my first banner challenge!

I can't believe my computer is making some funny noises! He is dying on me!Helpppppp!
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