I Can't Believe It #6

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I cant believe i woke up this morning upside down with my shirt on backwards...what the heck happend while i was sleeping!!! LOL. haha.
I cant believe how confused i was last night watching csi.
I can't believe the draw strings on my PJ shorts are longer than the actual shorts :lol:

I can't believe I'm wearing Pajama shorts when it's like, -16C outside :lol:
I can't believe I still haven't written those two email I needed to write.. one from like 3 weeks ago to some pupil's parent, and the other from last Wednesday to a colleague.

I can't believe I still have the cold.

I can't believe that kid freaked out during the last 5 minutes of class and started throwing books and papers throughout the entire class :eek: Didn't see that coming!
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe that kid freaked out during the last 5 minutes of class and started throwing books and papers throughout the entire class :eek: Didn't see that coming!

That reminded me of a time in Spanish 1 in high school, this kid sitting right behind me made the teacher mad so my teacher started to throw stuff at him, like a day by day calender (the ones with the plastic backs), pencils, pens, etc. I had to jump out of my seat otherwise I would have gotten hit, too.

I can't believe how cute that Golden Retriever puppy was on the Puppy Bowl on Sunday night. I want to adopt him!

I can't believe my printer ink dried out- both the black and the color! :eek:
I can't believe they did an armed robbery on the supermarket where I work yesterday! :eek: They had guns and the hit two people (with hands, not with the guns). They held the gun to someone's head and told him to lead them to the money and they took three drawers full of cash and then left through the backdoor, the same way they came in. It was 5 minutes after closing time!!!

I can't believe I'm so freaked out and on the edge of tears now because I work today and I heard it, and I know that if they'd chosen to do one on Thursday instead of Friday, I would've been there :( And now I can't concentrate at all today...there was even this guy from victim help. *all shaken up*
Dutchie said:
I can't believe they did an armed robbery on the supermarket where I work yesterday! :eek: They had guns and the hit two people (with hands, not with the guns). They held the gun to someone's head and told him to lead them to the money and they took three drawers full of cash and then left through the backdoor, the same way they came in. It was 5 minutes after closing time!!!
That's awful. :(

I can't believe my sister has taken a dog home from the police station. :eek:

I can't believe how tired I am, and I really can't be bothered to do anything today. :rolleyes:
Yeah Tinks, it is.

I can't believe almost everyone came in yesterday, even the people who weren't scheduled to work. The people who got hit and held at gunpoint were there too. They looked okay. One boy who had a blow to his head even worked yesterday! We were talking and someone told me that after he got hit he picked up a bag of fries from the freezer and held them against his head (where they hit him) Now I respect that boy. He is maybe 17, I'm not sure. I think I'm the most touched by the fact that my boss yelled at them to take everything, but just leave the workers alone. And he seems like such a rude cold person. Think again.

I'm sorry for the rant guys, but it doesn't go in the 'cannot say this out loud thread', because I can say this out loud.
Wow, Dutchie, that's something. *cough* obviously I don't listen to the news anymore these days, cuz I haven't heard anything about it :eek: Hope you're lots better now and recovered from the shock, I can imagine it's had a huge impact!

I can't believe it's raining cats 'n dogs!
I can't believe my uncle is in prison :(
I can't believe I still need to do so many things
I can't believe a return ticket to Stralsund is only 80 euros.
I can't believe my housemate hasn't turned on the heating, it's so cold!
I can't believe she didn't count me in on dinner tonight.
I can't believe my best friend asked me every single thing about me being gay.. she wanted to know every single detail :rolleyes:
i can't believe i have a date for once in my sorry life
i can't believe i'm going to have a decent valentine's day this year
i can't believe i did the asking...i'd've never had done this a year ago!
i can't believe that i am looking forward to the holiday i normally hate the most
i can't believe the amount of work i have to do for school
i can't believe i'm happy
I can't believe Katlynn and I bought a blow up pink guitar for absoutley no reason today! But it's fun to hit people with :lol:
I can't believe I walked in like tons of snow in low cut converse. Then complained that my feet were cold :p
I can't believe what weird people I live with. God their weird
SaraStar said:
^ LOL. I cannot believe my little sister is taller than me. Yeah, I'm serious. It's so unfair. :p

:lol: I am not quite 4 years younger than my sister and I am a little over an inch taller than her, 2 inches taller than my mother, and about a good 4 inches taller than my grandmother!

I can't believe I did not get any sleep last night and I am still awake!
I can't believe how fast this weekend went.
I can't believe I am still unemployed!
I can't believe I missed the first weekend of NASCAR!
I can't believe I have one more week until my show comes back on! *overly joyed*
I can't believe I don't have school today :D
I can't believe my gum is sore for more than a week!
I can't believe I did my Science homework in an hour...I thought it would last the whole morning...
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