I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe I actually cried through pretty much the whole CSI episode yesterday. Pathetic...but that episode was really sad!
I can't believe I actually can't remember if there's a new CSI next week. I thought I heard them say 'stay tuned for the next episode' but I have no clue, I was so tired I just went to bed :lol:
I can't believe how messed up my hair looks today, but I don't really care, I'm super tired and just want to get the day over with.
I can't believe what happened at the fair last night! It was scary... easily could have ended in tragedy.
It was during the six-horse-hitch show. There were five teams in the arena, so there were a total of 30 horses (big horses, clydsdales and percherons), and each team pulls a wagon. They were doing a circut around they ring, showing off their stuff. One of the teams had a problem with their harness, so the judges stoped everyone while the fixed it.
Everytime their handler tried to leave, the two lead horses on this team tried to turn around and go back in the opposited direction (Note: for anyone who may not know, these horses are attached to a big wagon, so this is not a good thing, they can't just turn around, they have to go in a circle). Each time, the handler came back and caught them, pulling them forward. The last time, however, he wasn't quite fast enough, and the horses turned around, bringing the rest of the team with them. The horeses ended up right beside the wagon, facing the opposite directioin, and tried to keep goiong. They nearly tipped the wagon over. The guy in the wagon (the one that's not the driver) half fell/half jumped out.
The team in front of them spooked, and started to move. The guy barely managed to avoid getting trampled. At the same time, the team behind them also spooked, and the two lead horses somehow managed to pull free from the rest of the team, and ran loose around the ring, spooking the other two teams.
This all happened very fast, it really only took a minute. But I tell you... I think my heart stopped beating for that minute. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt. They managed to calm all the horses down, and catch the two loose ones and hook them back up.
I'm also pleased to say that the team who's horses got loose wasn't penalized in any way. In fact, they took first place :)

But man, I can't believe how badly that could have ended.
I can't believe the people at the mall thought I was stealing because I reached in my purse.

I can't believe my dad stole my chair, jerkk!
i can't believe i finally saw "Empty Eyes" :D
i can't believe that it's friday
i can't believe i already made screencaps of EE
i can't believe that one of my favorite songs is on right now
i can't believe that i haven't heard from a friend in such a long time :(
I can't believe it's not butter!
(I had to say that :lol:)

I can't believe this guy accused me of calling him a retard. :rolleyes: And if I did (which I don't remember) so what?
I can't believe I bought today my first complete season of CSI in dvd (season 3) :D
I can't believe how much fun I had with my sister today. We went shopping together.
I can't believe how my cell phone is working...or not working that well, anyway!
I can't believe I enjoy more every day being here in the forum.
I can't believe my father is watching one of those "cheerleader/teenager" movies.
I (still) can't believe the role they gave my favorite actress in the soap opera. That girl is so strange and crazy! But it's a challenge for her.
I can't believe I am a bit hungra now.
I cant believe that i was just watching a trailer for the movie dead silence on the internet and it made me scream, and almost fall out of my chair.

I cant believe that i started reading a harry potter book and then 30 pages in i realized that i never read the one before it, i thought to myself "howcome i have absolutly no idea whats going on" and then i realized i hadnt read the 4th book!
CSI_Dani said:
I can't believe I bought today my first complete season of CSI in dvd (season 3) :D

Congratss :D, that was my first also.

I can't believe...
how many tennis balls I lost today.
I'm so out of tennis mode.
I'm going to have to play four hours every weekend.
I can't believe I'm on the computer so early. *yawns*'
I can't believe how much geometry homework I still have to do.
I can't believe I'm the youngest person I've ever seen on the board. (14, 8th grade.)
I can't believe cainesuger is 14 :lol: jk
I can't believe I have to write three 5 page papers this week
I can't believe I have to give a presentation on drugs this week
I can't believe I haven't started on said presentation

I'm such a procrastinator
I can't believe that no one tried to april fool me yet today.
I can't believe this is the last day of spring break :(.
I can't believe I forgot today was April fools day :lol: Haha, I'm not to good at remembering things. I can't even remember when easter is again.
I can't believe how early it is and I'm still awake.
I can't believe my tooth chipped and now it's cutting my tounge and it hurts!
I can't believe someone spilled baby oil all over, and I had to clean it up :(
I can't believe that while doing so, I whiped my hands on my pants without thinking. It's going to be hard to get that out. :(
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