~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

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I can't believe I'm filling in a job-application form now. But I'm so darn messy! I write all the things wrong etc.
i cant believe that everyone at my university is sick! (including me) we cant go 5 minutes without someone sniffling, sneezing, or coughing. my throat is so bad i even woke up this morning and couldnt talk for about half an hour! :eek:
I can't believe someone could fake his/her own death, how pathetic. Enough people die to young..and she's making a joke about it :(

I can't believe tomorrow I'm gonna stay with my best friend and watch we're gonna have a CSI marathon.. ;)

I can't believe there's a site that supports anorexia, don't they know what you distroy inside your body :eek:
I can't believe that I actually enjoyed uni today.

And I can't believe that I might be getting a car soon (finally!!!)
I can't believe someone has such a sick mind to do that. but as DaWacko said, we move on.

I can't believe my friend did not like the CSi epi last night..... who couldn't like it!? :lol:
I can't believe my luggage isn't here. :(
Damn, so I have to go to Spain with nothing and have to buy everything there. That means I'll have to collect all the quittances and bills to give them to f***** "Lufthansa" because they have to pay for them.

I can't believe that things like that only happen when I wanna have a nice time. :mad:
i can't believe here is 3:00am already and i am not sleeping :p

i can't believe how boring my Friday was..i got free day, but i spend it at home.. :rolleyes:

i can't believe myself! :lol:
I cant believe how how how sleepy I am. I cant even see the letters.
I still cant believe this whole Jen thing. She got board of this life, at least this I'm-20-and-a-beautiful-photographer thing.
I cant believe what just happened on CSI :eek:
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